List 12

歌曲 List 12
歌手 英语听力
专辑 边听边背六级高频词汇


[00:00.00] extract
[00:03.00] The newspaper extracted several passages from the speech and printed them on the front page.
[00:11.00] flaw
[00:13.00] There is a flaw in the marble near the base of the statue.
[00:19.00] fraud
[00:20.30] Bend the law for personal gain and engage in fraud.
[00:26.30] hamper
[00:28.00] Our progress was hampered by the bad weather.
[00:33.00] impart
[00:35.30] A good teacher should impart wisdom to his pupils.
[00:41.30] incentive
[00:44.00] His words gave me incentive, and I worked twice as hard.
[00:51.00] incidentally
[00:53.00] Incidentally, your letter came only this morning.
[00:59.00] indignant
[01:00.00] He was most indignant with me when I asked for a day's leave.
[01:07.00] infectious
[01:09.00] An infectious disease is one that can be passed from one person to another.


[00:00.00] vt. tí qǔ qǔ chū zhāi lù zhà qǔ n. zhī zhāi lù zhà chū wù xuǎn cuì
[00:03.00] bào zhǐ zhāi lù le tā de jǐ duàn yǎn jiǎng bìng zài tóu bǎn dēng chū.
[00:11.00] n. xiá cī, quē diǎn v. vi. shǐ yǒu liè wén
[00:13.00] diāo xiàng dǐ zuò de dà lǐ shí yǒu liè wén.
[00:19.00] n. qī piàn piàn zi guǐ jì
[00:20.30] yīn wèi gè rén lì yì hé cóng shì qī zhà ér wéi fǎ.
[00:26.30] vt. fáng ài shù fù n. shí hé zǔ ài wù
[00:28.00] wǒ men qián jìn tú zhōng shòu dào le è liè tiān qì de zǔ ài.
[00:33.00] vt. jǐ yǔ yóu zhǐ chōu xiàng shì wù, chuán shòu gào zhī, tòu lù
[00:35.30] hǎo lǎo shī jiù yīng gāi bǎ zhì huì chuán dì gěi xué shēng.
[00:41.30] n. dòng jī cì jī adj. jī lì de cì jī de
[00:44.00] tā de huà gǔ lì le wǒ, shǐ wǒ jiā bèi nǔ lì gōng zuò.
[00:51.00] adv. shùn biàn ǒu rán dì fù dài dì
[00:53.00] shùn biàn tí yī jù, nǐ de xìn zhí dào jīn tiān zǎo shàng cái shōu dào.
[00:59.00] adj. fèn fèn bù píng de yì fèn de
[01:00.00] dāng wǒ xiàng tā qǐng yì tiān jiǎ shí, tā shí fēn fèn fèn bù píng.
[01:07.00] adj. chuán rǎn de chuán rǎn xìng de yì zhuàn rǎn de
[01:09.00] chuán rǎn xìng jí bìng jiù shì néng cóng yí ge rén chuán rǎn dào lìng yī rén de jí bìng.