List 24

歌曲 List 24
歌手 英语听力
专辑 边听边背六级高频词汇


[00:00.00] compliment
[00:03.00] Your presence is a great compliment.
[00:08.00] compulsory
[00:10.00] English is a compulsory subject in this course; Art is optional.
[00:17.00] concise
[00:18.00] His letter was concise, omitting everything not pertinent to the job for which he was applying.
[00:27.00] condolence
[00:29.00] Through his spokesman he expressed his condolences on the victims of the accident.
[00:36.00] confidential
[00:38.00] You are probably on much more confidential terms with Kitty than I am.
[00:45.00] configuration
[00:47.00] We know little about the configuration of the star's surface.
[00:53.00] conformity
[00:55.00] Young people today do not care so much about conformity-they do what they like.


[00:00.00] n. gōng wéi chēng zàn wèn hòu dào hè v. gōng wéi chēng zàn
[00:03.00] nǐ de dào lái shì yí gè hěn dà de gōng wéi.
[00:08.00] adj. yì wù de bì xiū de bèi qiáng zhì de
[00:10.00] yīng yǔ shì cǐ kè chéng zhōng de bì xiū kè yì shù shì xuǎn xiū de.
[00:17.00] adj. jiǎn míng de, jiǎn jié de
[00:18.00] tā de xìn shì jiǎn míng è yào, shěng lüè le yǔ tā shēn qǐng de gōng zuò bù xiāng guān de shì qíng.
[00:27.00] n. āi dào wèi wèn
[00:29.00] tōng guò tā de fā yán rén, tā biǎo dá le duì yì wài shì gù zhōng de shòu hài zhě āi dào.
[00:36.00] adj. jī mì de biǎo shì xìn rèn de
[00:38.00] xiāng bǐ nǐ hé wǒ, nǐ hěn kě néng hé jí dì zhī jiān yǒu gèng duō de mì mì.
[00:45.00] n. pèi zhì, jié gòu wài xíng
[00:47.00] wǒ men bú shì hěn qīng chǔ xīng xīng biǎo miàn dí gòu zào.
[00:53.00] n. yī zhì, shì hé, fú hé, xiāng sì
[00:55.00] rú jīn de nián qīng rén bù zài yì hé bié rén yī zhì, tā men zuò zì jǐ xǐ huān de shì.