List 25

歌曲 List 25
歌手 英语听力
专辑 边听边背六级高频词汇


[00:00.00] confrontation
[00:04.00] She wanted to avoid another confrontation with her father.
[00:10.00] congressman
[00:12.00] There's not much prospect of Mr Smith's being elected as Congressman.
[00:19.00] constrain
[00:21.00] "People with poor motives will always exist," he says. "Sometimes environments constrain those people and sometimes environments give those people opportunity." “
[00:33.00] contamination
[00:35.00] We must pay much attention to the contamination of the water supply.
[00:42.00] correlation
[00:44.00] People believe that there is a correlation between smoking and lung cancer.
[00:51.00] credible
[00:53.00] A will must be attested by two or more credible witnesses.


[00:00.00] confrontation
[00:04.00] She wanted to avoid another confrontation with her father.
[00:10.00] congressman
[00:12.00] There' s not much prospect of Mr Smith' s being elected as Congressman.
[00:19.00] constrain
[00:21.00] " People with poor motives will always exist," he says. " Sometimes environments constrain those people and sometimes environments give those people opportunity." "
[00:33.00] contamination
[00:35.00] We must pay much attention to the contamination of the water supply.
[00:42.00] correlation
[00:44.00] People believe that there is a correlation between smoking and lung cancer.
[00:51.00] credible
[00:53.00] A will must be attested by two or more credible witnesses.


[00:00.00] n. miàn duì duì kàng duì zhì
[00:04.00] tā xiǎng bì miǎn zài cì yǔ fù qīn fā shēng chōng tū.
[00:10.00] n. guó huì yì yuán
[00:12.00] shǐ mì sī xiān shēng bèi xuǎn wèi yì yuán de xī wàng shì bù dà de.
[00:19.00] v. qū shǐ qiǎng pò shù fù
[00:21.00] yǒu bù liáng dòng jī de rén men jiāng yī zhí huó xià qù," tā shuō." yǒu shí huán jìng yuē shù nèi xiē rén, yǒu shí huán jìng gěi nèi xiē rén jī huì."
[00:33.00] n. wū rǎn, diàn wū wū rǎn wù
[00:35.00] wǒ men bì xū tè bié zhù yì gōng yìng shuǐ de wū rǎn.
[00:42.00] n. xiāng guān, guān lián
[00:44.00] rén men xiāng xìn xī yān hé fèi ái shì yǒu guān lián de.
[00:51.00] adj. kě kào de, kě xìn de
[00:53.00] yí gè yí zhǔ xū yào yǒu liǎng gè huò liǎng gè yǐ shàng de kě xìn dí zhèng rén.