List 30

歌曲 List 30
歌手 英语听力
专辑 边听边背六级高频词汇


[00:00.00] expedition
[00:03.00] The Arctic expedition reached the North Pole.
[00:08.00] expenditure
[00:10.00] The research is very important, but the expenditure of time and money is also considerable.
[00:18.00] expire
[00:20.00] In the play the heroine expired of a broken heart.
[00:25.00] extinct
[00:27.00] The woolly elephant has been extinct for a long time.
[00:32.00] fabricate
[00:34.00] The story about his life abroad is completely fabricated.
[00:40.00] fabulous
[00:41.00] During the two world wars, the monopoly capitalists amassed fabulous wealth.
[00:49.00] facet
[00:50.00] There are many facets to this question.
[00:54.00] falsehood
[00:56.00] The girl's father punished her for falsehood.
[01:00.00] feast
[01:02.00] A good conscience is a continual feast, a good conscience is a soft pillow.


[00:00.00] n. yuǎn zhēng tàn xiǎn duì xùn sù
[00:03.00] běi jí tàn xiǎn duì dào dá běi jí.
[00:08.00] n. zhī chū, huā fèi, jīng fèi, xiāo fèi é
[00:10.00] zhè xiàng yán jiū fēi cháng zhòng yào, dàn shì shí jiān hé jīn qián de xiāo hào yě shì xiāng dāng dà de.
[00:18.00] v. qī mǎn zhōng zhǐ sǐ wáng hū qì
[00:20.00] zài jù zhōng, nǚ zhǔ jué xīn suì ér sǐ.
[00:25.00] adj. miè jué de, jué zhǒng de, xī miè de v. shǐ xī miè
[00:27.00] cháng máo xiàng yǐ jīng jué zhǒng hěn zhǎng yī duàn shí jiān le.
[00:32.00] v. zhì zào wěi zào zhuāng pèi
[00:34.00] tā zài hǎi wài shēng huó de gù shì wán quán shì biān zào de.
[00:40.00] adj. nán yǐ zhì xìn de jí hǎo de chuán shuō zhōng de
[00:41.00] zài liǎng cì shì jiè dà zhàn qī jiān, lǒng duàn zī běn jiā dà fā hèng cái.
[00:49.00] n. miàn fāng miàn xiǎo píng miàn v. zài... shàng zuó miàn
[00:50.00] zhè gè wèn tí yǒu hěn duō fāng miàn.
[00:54.00] n. shuō huǎng jiǎ huà bù zhēn shí
[00:56.00] nǚ hái de fù qīn chéng fá tā shuō le huǎng.
[01:00.00] v. xiǎng shòu kuǎn dài n. yàn huì, jié rì
[01:02.00] liáng zhī shì chí xù de shèng yàn, liáng xīn shì zuì hǎo de zhěn tou.