List 9

歌曲 List 9
歌手 英语听力
专辑 边听边背六级高频词汇


[00:00.500] conscientious
[00:02.170] This essay is a most conscientious piece of work.
[00:06.990] consolidate
[00:09.750] As we all know, too many countries lapse back into violence when efforts to consolidate peace or create stability are weak.
[00:20.030] consultancy
[00:23.350] Software, consultancy and mobile telephones use far less oil than steel or car production.
[00:33.120] contrive
[00:35.880] After much difficulty, I contrived to pull the boat onto the beach.
[00:42.680] converge
[00:45.580] Capitalism and socialism will not eventually converge.
[00:51.330] decisive
[00:54.520] Your English proficiency is the decisive factor in getting the job.
[01:00.410] deduce
[01:03.170] You will notice water rising in the tube, now what do you deduce from that?
[01:10.110] deem
[01:11.060] He deemed that it was his duty to help.
[01:18.810] deprive
[01:20.850] It is absolutely unfair that these children are deprived of the rights to receive education.


[00:00.500] adj. rèn zhēn de jìn zé de běn zhe liáng xīn de xiǎo xīn jǐn shèn de
[00:02.170] zhè piān wén zhāng shì zuì rèn zhēn de zuò pǐn
[00:06.990] vt. gǒng gù, shǐ gù dìng lián hé vi. gǒng gù, jiā qiáng
[00:09.750] zhòng suǒ zhōu zhī zài gǒng gù hé píng huò chuàng zào wěn dìng de nǔ lì bó ruò shí tài duō guó jiā xiàn rù bào lì
[00:20.030] n. zī xún gōng sī gù wèn gōng zuò
[00:23.350] ruǎn jiàn zī xún hé yí dòng diàn huà shǐ yòng de shí yóu bǐ gāng tiě huò qì chē shēng chǎn shǎo dé duō
[00:33.120] vt. shè jì fā míng tú móu vi. móu huà shè fǎ zuò dào
[00:35.880] wǒ fèi le hǎo dà jìn cái bǎ chuán tuō dào hǎi tān shàng
[00:42.680] vt. shǐ huì jù vi. jù jí kào lǒng shōu liǎn
[00:45.580] zī běn zhǔ yì hé shè huì zhǔ yì zuì zhōng bú huì huì hé
[00:51.330] adj. jué dìng xìng de guǒ duàn de, jiān dìng de
[00:54.520] nǐ de yīng yǔ shuǐ píng shì de dào zhè fèn gōng zuò de jué dìng xìng yīn sù
[01:00.410] vt. tuī lùn, tuī duàn yǎn yì chū
[01:03.170] nǐ huì zhù yì dào shuǐ guǎn lǐ de shuǐ zài shàng shēng xiàn zài nǐ cóng zhè tuī duàn chū shén me?
[01:10.110] v. rèn wéi shì zuò
[01:11.060] tā rèn wéi bāng zhù bié rén shì tā de zé rèn
[01:18.810] vt. shǐ sàng shī, bō duó
[01:20.850] zhèi xiē hái zi bèi bō duó jiē shòu jiào yù de quán lì shì jué duì bù gōng píng de