
歌曲 新闻理解17
歌手 英语听力
专辑 英语专四听力周计划


French Emergency Services said the train was traveling at 35 kilometers per hour when it derailed as it entered the station. No one had been killed and no one was trapped in the train during the accident. Ambulances rushed to the scene and doctors began treating casualties in the station and at a nearby cafe. Some people have broken limbs, and others have suffered bruising. No one was in critical condition. Last night it was not known why the train came off the tracks.


French Emergency Services said the train was traveling at 35 kilometers per hour when it derailed as it entered the station. No one had been killed and no one was trapped in the train during the accident. Ambulances rushed to the scene and doctors began treating casualties in the station and at a nearby cafe. Some people have broken limbs, and others have suffered bruising. No one was in critical condition. Last night it was not known why the train came off the tracks.
fǎ guó jǐn jí jiù yuán bù mén biǎo shì, zài liè chē jìn zhàn fā shēng tuō guǐ shí, tā shì yǐ měi xiǎo shí 35 gōng lǐ de sù dù zài háng shǐ de. cǐ cì shì gù méi yǒu rén yīn cǐ sāng shēng, yě méi yǒu rén bèi kùn huǒ chē zhōng. jiù hù chē fēi sù gǎn wǎng shì fā xiàn chǎng, yī shēng yě kāi shǐ zài chē zhàn hé fù jìn de kā fēi guǎn jiù zhì shāng yuán. yǒu rén zhé duàn le gē bó, yǒu rén zhèng shòu yū shāng zhī kǔ. méi yǒu rén qíng kuàng wēi jí. dào zuó wǎn yě bù zhī dào huǒ chē wèi shí me huì tuō guǐ.