
歌曲 新闻理解32
歌手 英语听力
专辑 英语专四听力周计划


A Russian cargo ship with about 30 crew members aboard was in danger of sinking off Russia's eastern coast while stormy weather interfered with rescue efforts, state-run Itar-Tass news agency said on Friday. Ice had formed on the outside of the ship, and the crew was chipping it off. The crew sent out a distress signal, but there was no explanation of the problem.


A Russian cargo ship with about 30 crew members aboard was in danger of sinking off Russia' s eastern coast while stormy weather interfered with rescue efforts, staterun ItarTass news agency said on Friday. Ice had formed on the outside of the ship, and the crew was chipping it off. The crew sent out a distress signal, but there was no explanation of the problem.
yī sōu zài zhe dà yuē 30 míng chuán yuán de é luó sī huò chuán yú é luó sī dōng hǎi àn, zhèng miàn lín zhe chén mò de wēi xiǎn. ér yú cǐ tóng shí, bào fēng yǔ tiān qì què zǔ náo le jiù yuán huó dòng de kāi zhǎn. guó yíng ItarTass bào shè zhōu wǔ rú shì bào dào. chuán de wài wéi yǐ jīng jié bīng le, chuán yuán men zhèng zài fèn lì záo xià bīng kuài. chuán yuán men fā chū le wēi xiǎn xìn hào, dàn shì mù qián hái méi yǒu guān yú zhè gè wèn tí de jiě shì.