
歌曲 新闻理解34
歌手 英语听力
专辑 英语专四听力周计划


Iraqi officials are trying to identify the remains of more than 19 people who were killed in a bomb attack in Mosiedia. The bomber was among those killed in the attack Saturday night. Many others were wounded. In Baghdad, four bombings have killed at least nine Iraqis. The attacks targeted police and military vehicles. And in Tecook, a bomb explosion killed at least one American soldier, two others were wounded.
伊拉克官员正在尽量辨认在Mosiedia的爆炸中丧生的超过19具遇难者的遗体。引发爆炸的人就在这些于周六晚被杀害的人中。还有很多其它的人也受了伤。在巴格达,四起爆炸已经使九个伊拉克人丧生。这些袭击是针对警察和军用车辆的。还有在Tecook,一起爆炸至少使一名美国士兵丧生,其它的两名受伤。 ------BY 月岛潇荷 伊拉克官员正在尽力识别在Mosiedia遭炸弹袭击的超过19个人的遗体。放炸弹的人就在周六晚上被杀害的人中间。还有其他很多人受了伤。在巴格达,四起轰炸已经造成至少九个伊拉克人死亡。这次袭击的目标是警方和军事的车。还有在Tecook一起炸弹爆炸造成至少一名美国士兵死亡,另外两人受伤。


Iraqi officials are trying to identify the remains of more than 19 people who were killed in a bomb attack in Mosiedia. The bomber was among those killed in the attack Saturday night. Many others were wounded. In Baghdad, four bombings have killed at least nine Iraqis. The attacks targeted police and military vehicles. And in Tecook, a bomb explosion killed at least one American soldier, two others were wounded.
yī lā kè guān yuán zhèng zài jǐn liàng biàn rèn zài Mosiedia de bào zhà zhōng sàng shēng de chāo guò 19 jù yù nàn zhě de yí tǐ. yǐn fā bào zhà de rén jiù zài zhèi xiē yú zhōu liù wǎn bèi shā hài de rén zhōng. hái yǒu hěn duō qí tā de rén yě shòu le shāng. zài bā gé dá, sì qǐ bào zhà yǐ jīng shǐ jiǔ gè yī lā kè rén sàng shēng. zhèi xiē xí jī shì zhēn duì jǐng chá hé jūn yòng chē liàng de. hái yǒu zài Tecook, yì qǐ bào zhà zhì shǎo shǐ yī míng měi guó shì bīng sàng shēng, qí tā de liǎng míng shòu shāng. BY yuè dǎo xiāo hé yī lā kè guān yuán zhèng zài jìn lì shí bié zài Mosiedia zāo zhà dàn xí jī de chāo guò 19 gè rén de yí tǐ. fàng zhà dàn de rén jiù zài zhōu liù wǎn shàng bèi shā hài de rén zhōng jiān. hái yǒu qí tā hěn duō rén shòu le shāng. zài bā gé dá, sì qǐ hōng zhà yǐ jīng zào chéng zhì shǎo jiǔ gè yī lā kè rén sǐ wáng. zhè cì xí jī de mù biāo shì jǐng fāng hé jūn shì de chē. hái yǒu zài Tecook yì qǐ zhà dàn bào zhà zào chéng zhì shǎo yī míng měi guó shì bīng sǐ wáng, lìng wài liǎng rén shòu shāng.