
歌曲 真题模拟16
歌手 英语听力
专辑 英语专四听力周计划


Iraqi police have reported the kidnapping of Algeria's top diplomat in Iraq and an assistant in western Baghdad. Officials say gunmen seized them outside an eating place in the Iraqi capital. Three diplomats from Egypt, Bahrain and Pakistan were targeted in western Baghdad earlier this month. The Egyptian ambassador was kidnapped. Rebels claimed to have killed him. Bahrain ambassador was wounded in an attack. The Pakistani ambassador escaped and was not hurt.


Iraqi police have reported the kidnapping of Algeria' s top diplomat in Iraq and an assistant in western Baghdad. Officials say gunmen seized them outside an eating place in the Iraqi capital. Three diplomats from Egypt, Bahrain and Pakistan were targeted in western Baghdad earlier this month. The Egyptian ambassador was kidnapped. Rebels claimed to have killed him. Bahrain ambassador was wounded in an attack. The Pakistani ambassador escaped and was not hurt.
yī lā kè jǐng fāng gōng bù le lái zì yī lā kè de ā ěr jí lì yà zuì gāo wài jiāo guān jí lái zì bā gé dá xī bù de yī míng zhù shǒu zāo dào bǎng jià de xiāo xī. guān yuán men biǎo míng chí qiāng dǎi tú zài yī lā kè shǒu dū de yī jiān cān guǎn wài jié chí le tā men. zài zhè gè yuè de zǎo xiē shí hòu, sān míng fēn bié lái zì āi jí bā lín dǎo yǐ jí bā jī sī tǎn de wài jiāo guān zài bā gé dá xī bù bèi dīng shàng. āi jí dà shǐ zāo dào bǎng jià. pàn tú men shēng chēng yǐ jīng shā le tā. bā lín dǎo dà shǐ zài yī cì xí jī zhòng shòu shāng. bā jī sī tǎn dà shǐ táo tuō bìng qiě méi yǒu shòu shāng.