
歌曲 为何快乐的时间溜得快(1/2)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 听美文故事记六级单词


Why having fun makes time speed Scientists have come up with a theory for why time flies when you are having fun and drags when you are bored. Scans have shown that patterns of activity in the brain change depending on how we focus on a task. Concentrating on time passing, as we do when bored, will trigger brain activity which will make it seem as though the clock is ticking more slowly. The research, by the French Laboratory of Neurobiology and Cognition, is published in the magazine Science. In the study, 12 volunteers watched an image while researchers monitored their brain activity using MRI scans. Volunteers were given a variety of tasks. In one they were told to concentrate simply on the duration of an image, in another they were asked to focus on the colour, and in a third they were asked to concentrate on both duration and colour.
为何快乐的时间溜得快 科学家们提出理论依据,解释为什么当你玩得开心的时候,时间总是过得飞快,而当你无聊的时侯,时间却过得特别慢。 通过扫描发现,大脑活动的方式随着我们对事情的关注程度发生变化。 我们在无聊的时候,往往把注意力集中在时间的流逝上,这样会使大脑活动产生错觉,总觉得时钟似乎走得更慢 法国神经生物和认知学实验室进行的此项研究发表在《科学》杂志上。 在研究中,当12名志愿者同时看一幅图像时,研究者们用核磁共振成像扫描仪来监控他们大脑的活动。 志愿者们被分配了各种不同的任务。一次他们被要求专注于图象持续的时间,另一次集中观察图象的色彩,第三次同时关注图象持续的时间和色彩。


Why having fun makes time speed Scientists have come up with a theory for why time flies when you are having fun and drags when you are bored. Scans have shown that patterns of activity in the brain change depending on how we focus on a task. Concentrating on time passing, as we do when bored, will trigger brain activity which will make it seem as though the clock is ticking more slowly. The research, by the French Laboratory of Neurobiology and Cognition, is published in the magazine Science. In the study, 12 volunteers watched an image while researchers monitored their brain activity using MRI scans. Volunteers were given a variety of tasks. In one they were told to concentrate simply on the duration of an image, in another they were asked to focus on the colour, and in a third they were asked to concentrate on both duration and colour.
wèi hé kuài lè de shí jiān liū dé kuài kē xué jiā men tí chū lǐ lùn yī jù, jiě shì wèi shí me dāng nǐ wán dé kāi xīn de shí hòu, shí jiān zǒng shì guò de fēi kuài, ér dāng nǐ wú liáo de shí hóu, shí jiān què guò de tè bié màn. tōng guò sǎo miáo fā xiàn, dà nǎo huó dòng de fāng shì suí zhe wǒ men duì shì qíng de guān zhù chéng dù fā shēng biàn huà. wǒ men zài wú liáo de shí hòu, wǎng wǎng bǎ zhù yì lì jí zhōng zài shí jiān de liú shì shàng, zhè yàng huì shǐ dà nǎo huó dòng chǎn shēng cuò jué, zǒng jué de shí zhōng sì hū zǒu dé gèng màn fǎ guó shén jīng shēng wù hé rèn zhī xué shí yàn shì jìn xíng de cǐ xiàng yán jiū fā biǎo zài kē xué zá zhì shàng. zài yán jiū zhōng, dāng 12 míng zhì yuàn zhě tóng shí kàn yī fú tú xiàng shí, yán jiū zhě men yòng hé cí gòng zhèn chéng xiàng sǎo miáo yí lái jiān kòng tā men dà nǎo de huó dòng. zhì yuàn zhě men bèi fēn pèi le gè zhǒng bù tóng de rèn wù. yī cì tā men bèi yāo qiú zhuān zhù yú tú xiàng chí xù de shí jiān, lìng yī cì jí zhōng guān chá tú xiàng de sè cǎi, dì sān cì tóng shí guān zhù tú xiàng chí xù de shí jiān hé sè cǎi.