
歌曲 德国重封""国家英雄""(1/2)"
歌手 英语听力
专辑 听美文故事记六级单词


Suffering from an acute lack of heroes after losing two world wars, Germany has reclaimed Albert Einstein as one of its greatest national figures, even though the Jewish physicist fled the Nazis hating his native country. A century after the German born scientist formulated his famous theory of relativity in Switzerland, and 50 years after his death on April 18, 1955, Einstein is being reclaimed by the country he rejected. Celebrations of the so called Einstein Year of 2005 are taking place around the world, but nowhere are the tributes to the man with the droopy eyes and bushy grey hair so laden with historical baggage as in Germany. The German government has gone all out to latch onto Einstein, who became one of the world's first pop icons after his theories about space, time and relativity revolutionised science in the early 20th century. "It is a bit strange," said Juergen Neffe, author of a German biography on Einstein that has been near the top of best seller lists here since it was published in January. "Einstein hated the Nazis and extended his hatred to all Germans for letting it happen. It's certainly true that he hated Germany, but he would nevertheless be pleased about Germany's development in the last 30 years."
经历了两次世界大战的惨败,德国人一直苦于自己的国家严重缺乏英雄人物,现在他们重新将艾伯特·爱因斯坦视为德国历史上最伟大的人物之一,尽管这位犹太裔物理学家曾因自己的血统遭到纳粹党人的仇视而流亡国外。 爱因斯坦生于德国,一个世纪前,他在瑞士发表了著名的相对论。1955年4月18日,他永远离开了这个世界。50年后的今天,他曾摒弃的国家为他重扬美名。 2005年被称为“爱因斯坦年”,世界各地纷纷展开各种庆祝活动。但是没有一个地方像德国一样,在对这位有着低垂眼睛和浓密灰发的老人予以盛赞的同时,还要肩负沉重的“历史包袱”。 德国政府开始竭尽全力了解爱因斯坦。20世纪早期,他关于宇宙、时间和相对论的理论给当时的物理学带来了颠覆性的变革,他也由此成为世界上第一位大众偶像级科学家。 “这有点奇怪。”德国版爱因斯坦传记的作者于尔根·内费说。该书自从一月份出版以来,在畅销书榜上一直位居前列。“爱因斯坦憎恨纳粹,并将这种反感之情延伸到所有德国人身上,在他看来德国人造成了这一切。他确实非常讨厌德国,但是无论如何,他肯定会为德国最近30年来取得的发展感到欣慰的。”


Suffering from an acute lack of heroes after losing two world wars, Germany has reclaimed Albert Einstein as one of its greatest national figures, even though the Jewish physicist fled the Nazis hating his native country. A century after the German born scientist formulated his famous theory of relativity in Switzerland, and 50 years after his death on April 18, 1955, Einstein is being reclaimed by the country he rejected. Celebrations of the so called Einstein Year of 2005 are taking place around the world, but nowhere are the tributes to the man with the droopy eyes and bushy grey hair so laden with historical baggage as in Germany. The German government has gone all out to latch onto Einstein, who became one of the world' s first pop icons after his theories about space, time and relativity revolutionised science in the early 20th century. " It is a bit strange," said Juergen Neffe, author of a German biography on Einstein that has been near the top of best seller lists here since it was published in January. " Einstein hated the Nazis and extended his hatred to all Germans for letting it happen. It' s certainly true that he hated Germany, but he would nevertheless be pleased about Germany' s development in the last 30 years."
jīng lì le liǎng cì shì jiè dà zhàn de cǎn bài, dé guó rén yī zhí kǔ yú zì jǐ de guó jiā yán zhòng quē fá yīng xióng rén wù, xiàn zài tā men chóng xīn jiāng ài bó tè ài yīn sī tǎn shì wéi dé guó lì shǐ shàng zuì wěi dà de rén wù zhī yī, jǐn guǎn zhè wèi yóu tài yì wù lǐ xué jiā céng yīn zì jǐ de xuè tǒng zāo dào nà cuì dǎng rén de chóu shì ér liú wáng guó wài. ài yīn sī tǎn shēng yú dé guó, yí gè shì jì qián, tā zài ruì shì fā biǎo le zhù míng de xiāng duì lùn. 1955 nián 4 yuè 18 rì, tā yǒng yuǎn lí kāi le zhè gè shì jiè. 50 nián hòu de jīn tiān, tā céng bìng qì de guó jiā wèi tā zhòng yáng měi míng. 2005 nián bèi chēng wéi" ài yīn sī tǎn nián", shì jiè gè dì fēn fēn zhǎn kāi gè zhǒng qìng zhù huó dòng. dàn shì méi yǒu yí gè dì fāng xiàng dé guó yí yàng, zài duì zhè wèi yǒu zhe dī chuí yǎn jīng hé nóng mì huī fā de lǎo rén yǔ yǐ shèng zàn de tóng shí, hái yào jiān fù chén zhòng de" lì shǐ bāo fú". dé guó zhèng fǔ kāi shǐ jié jìn quán lì liǎo jiě ài yīn sī tǎn. 20 shì jì zǎo qī, tā guān yú yǔ zhòu shí jiān hé xiāng duì lùn de lǐ lùn gěi dāng shí de wù lǐ xué dài lái le diān fù xìng de biàn gé, tā yě yóu cǐ chéng wéi shì jiè shang dì yī wèi dà zhòng ǒu xiàng jí kē xué jiā. " zhè yǒu diǎn qí guài." dé guó bǎn ài yīn sī tǎn zhuàn jì de zuò zhě yú ěr gēn nèi fèi shuō. gāi shū zì cóng yī yuè fèn chū bǎn yǐ lái, zài chàng xiāo shū bǎng shàng yī zhí wèi jū qián liè." ài yīn sī tǎn zēng hèn nà cuì, bìng jiāng zhè zhǒng fǎn gǎn zhī qíng yán shēn dào suǒ yǒu dé guó rén shēn shàng, zài tā kàn lái dé guó rén zào chéng le zhè yī qiè. tā què shí fēi cháng tǎo yàn dé guó, dàn shì wú lùn rú hé, tā kěn dìng huì wèi dé guó zuì jìn 30 nián lái qǔ de de fā zhǎn gǎn dào xīn wèi de."