
歌曲 澳大利亚在九年中创下出生率最高记录(2/3)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 听美文故事记六级单词


Craig James, an economist at CommSec, said Australia's baby boom appeared to be a result of strong consumer confidence and an unemployment rate of just 5.1 percent. "Unemployment is at a 28-year low, wages are up, confidence is high," James told Wednesday's The Australian newspaper. "People are feeling like it's safe to start a family again." Australia's birth rate had been in steady decline since 1990, dropping to a half-yearly low of around 125,000 births during the April to September period of 2002. Australia's conservative government has tried to boost flagging fertility by offering financial inducements, including a 3,000 dollar (2,324 US dollar) payment to parents introduced on July 1.
一位联邦证券的经济学家克雷格·詹姆斯说澳大利亚婴儿潮似乎是由强大的消费者心理和仅5.1%的失业率造成的。 “失业处于28年中最低,工资上升,信心十足,”詹姆斯周三在澳大利亚报纸上如是说。 “人们对开始一个家庭重新恢复信心。” 自从1990年,澳大利亚的出生率稳步下降,到了2002年4—9月间,半年的新生儿下降到125000。 澳大利亚保守派政府为了提振低迷的出生率,试图通过金融诱因的办法,包括一个3000澳元(2324美元)给在7月1日的准父母们。


Craig James, an economist at CommSec, said Australia' s baby boom appeared to be a result of strong consumer confidence and an unemployment rate of just 5. 1 percent. " Unemployment is at a 28year low, wages are up, confidence is high," James told Wednesday' s The Australian newspaper. " People are feeling like it' s safe to start a family again." Australia' s birth rate had been in steady decline since 1990, dropping to a halfyearly low of around 125, 000 births during the April to September period of 2002. Australia' s conservative government has tried to boost flagging fertility by offering financial inducements, including a 3, 000 dollar 2, 324 US dollar payment to parents introduced on July 1.
yī wèi lián bāng zhèng quàn de jīng jì xué jiā kè léi gé zhān mǔ sī shuō ào dà lì yà yīng ér cháo sì hū shì yóu qiáng dà de xiāo fèi zhě xīn lǐ hé jǐn 5. 1 de shī yè lǜ zào chéng de. " shī yè chǔ yú 28 nián zhōng zuì dī, gōng zī shàng shēng, xìn xīn shí zú," zhān mǔ sī zhōu sān zài ào dà lì yà bào zhǐ shàng rú shì shuō. " rén men duì kāi shǐ yí gè jiā tíng chóng xīn huī fù xìn xīn." zì cóng 1990 nián, ào dà lì yà de chū shēng lǜ wěn bù xià jiàng, dào le 2002 nián 4 9 yuè jiān, bàn nián de xīn shēng ér xià jiàng dào 125000. ào dà lì yà bǎo shǒu pài zhèng fǔ wèi le tí zhèn dī mí de chū shēng lǜ, shì tú tōng guò jīn róng yòu yīn de bàn fǎ, bāo kuò yí gè 3000 ào yuán 2324 měi yuán gěi zài 7 yuè 1 rì de zhǔn fù mǔ men.