
歌曲 罗德岛的太阳神巨像(3/3)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 听美文故事记六级单词


To celebrate their unity, the Rhodians sold the equipment and used the money to erect an enormous statue of their sun god, Helios. The construction of the Colossus took 12 years and was finished in 282 BC. For years, the statue stood at the harbor entrance, until a strong earthquake hit Rhodes about 226 BC. The city was badly damaged, and the Colossus was broken at its weakest point the knee. The Rhodians received an immediate offer from Ptolemy III of Egypt to cover all restoration costs for the toppled monument. However, an oracle was consulted and forbade the re-erection. Ptolemy's offer was declined.
罗德斯人为了颂扬他们团结一致(的精神),把这些军事设备变卖后,用所得的钱建造了他们的太阳神赫利俄斯的巨大雕像。 建造这座巨像花了12年的时间,于公元前282年完工。巨像在港口矗立了许多年,直到公元前226年一次强烈的地震突袭了罗德岛。 城市遭到严重的破坏,巨像也从它最不牢固的地方, 膝盖处断裂开了。 罗德岛人得到了埃及托勒密三世及时的援助,这笔援款足够应付修缮这座倾倒的纪念碑所需的全部花费。 但是,一纸神谕却阻止巨像的重建。而托勒密的援助也被谢绝了。


To celebrate their unity, the Rhodians sold the equipment and used the money to erect an enormous statue of their sun god, Helios. The construction of the Colossus took 12 years and was finished in 282 BC. For years, the statue stood at the harbor entrance, until a strong earthquake hit Rhodes about 226 BC. The city was badly damaged, and the Colossus was broken at its weakest point the knee. The Rhodians received an immediate offer from Ptolemy III of Egypt to cover all restoration costs for the toppled monument. However, an oracle was consulted and forbade the reerection. Ptolemy' s offer was declined.
luó dé sī rén wéi le sòng yáng tā men tuán jié yī zhì de jīng shén, bǎ zhèi xiē jūn shì shè bèi biàn mài hòu, yòng suǒ de de qián jiàn zào le tā men de tài yáng shén hè lì é sī de jù dà diāo xiàng. jiàn zào zhè zuò jù xiàng huā le 12 nián de shí jiān, yú gōng yuán qián 282 nián wán gōng. jù xiàng zài gǎng kǒu chù lì le xǔ duō nián, zhí dào gōng yuán qián 226 nián yī cì qiáng liè de dì zhèn tū xí le luó dé dǎo. chéng shì zāo dào yán zhòng de pò huài, jù xiàng yě cóng tā zuì bù láo gù de dì fāng, xī gài chù duàn liè kāi le. luó dé dǎo rén dé dào le āi jí tuō lè mì sān shì jí shí de yuán zhù, zhè bǐ yuán kuǎn zú gòu yìng fù xiū shàn zhè zuò qīng dǎo de jì niàn bēi suǒ xū de quán bù huā fèi. dàn shì, yī zhǐ shén yù què zǔ zhǐ jù xiàng de chóng jiàn. ér tuō lè mì de yuán zhù yě bèi xiè jué le.