Welcome to Miss Charlotte's doll academy.I'm Miss Charlotte, how can I serve you today? We are here to buy a doll. Oh, I'm sorry. We don't sell dolls here. Really? This place gets creepy fast. But I do let good little girls adopt some of my friends. Are you ready to be a mommy? I don't care. Oh, she's kidding. She would love a doll, and I want to do something special for her birthday. So let's get this adoption going. Very good. I have someone in my royalty cabinet I'd love for you to meet. Look, I'm sorry about everything you've been through the past few days. But I'm trying to show you how much I love you. Can't you meet me halfway? This is Lady Catherine. She's the toast of Buckingham Palace. The trim on her cloak is real ermine. Oh! Isn't she gorgeous? Wow! I'm go prepare her papers. Are you happy, sweetie? Yeah! |