
歌曲 观看比赛
歌手 英语听力
专辑 美剧天天看


[00:00.34] Shoot!
[00:00.57] Shoot!
[00:00.97] Shoot!
[00:02.18] Shoot, or just fall down.
[00:04.76] That's good, too.
[00:06.62] Knick fan?
[00:07.23] Oh, yeah.
[00:08.06] Oh, boy, do they suck.
[00:10.02] Hey, listen, lady... whoa.
[00:13.98] Look, look at your man, Ewing.
[00:16.58] Nice shot.
[00:17.17] You know what,
[00:17.98] he couldn't hit water if he was standing on a boat.
[00:20.06] Oh, yeah?
[00:20.70] And who do you like?
[00:21.68] The Celties.
[00:22.72] The Celties?
[00:23.79] Ha. They couldn't hit a boat if...
[00:26.22] wait.
[00:29.16] They suck, alright?
[00:31.54] Oh, shut up.
[00:32.21] you know, it's a rebuilding year.
[00:33.36] You... waah!
[00:34.10] Wha?
[00:34.50] Wha...aa?
[00:35.65] Let me get the father.
[00:36.37] Hey we need father over here!
[00:38.23] We need a father!
[00:39.52] There is no father.