
歌曲 鼓励
歌手 英语听力
专辑 美剧天天看


[00:00.53] Changing the subject.
[00:02.87] Uh, what's going on with you and Vanessa?
[00:05.89] I heard about your date.
[00:07.42] Yeah. Well, that may be over before it starts.
[00:11.58] Yeah. Well...
[00:12.67] We're from two different worlds.
[00:14.23] I respect her, she's beautiful
[00:16.02] but she's upper crust, and I'm not.
[00:20.08] So, wait.
[00:21.28] You think she's out of your league?
[00:22.80] I didn't say...
[00:23.57] I mean you and Deb weren't exactly from the same worlds...
[00:27.47] I mean, Stacy told me that—
[00:31.02] that you knew nothing about dance
[00:32.70] and Deb introduce you to the ballet. Deb
[00:35.73] Right?
[00:36.94] She took me to "The Nutcracker".
[00:38.12] And you bought her into your world, too...
[00:41.65] I—I would assume.
[00:43.11] I got her to love the Lakers.
[00:44.76] Right.
[00:46.34] Because anything that brought you that much joy
[00:50.11] she wanted to be a part of.
[00:52.20] I mean, look
[00:52.87] Grayson, it sounds like Vanessa just isn't the right woman. Grayson
[00:55.53] Don't sell yourself short.
[00:59.17] Thanks, Jane.


[00:00.53] Changing the subject.
[00:02.87] Uh, what' s going on with you and Vanessa?
[00:05.89] I heard about your date.
[00:07.42] Yeah. Well, that may be over before it starts.
[00:11.58] Yeah. Well...
[00:12.67] We' re from two different worlds.
[00:14.23] I respect her, she' s beautiful
[00:16.02] but she' s upper crust, and I' m not.
[00:20.08] So, wait.
[00:21.28] You think she' s out of your league?
[00:22.80] I didn' t say...
[00:23.57] I mean you and Deb weren' t exactly from the same worlds...
[00:27.47] I mean, Stacy told me that
[00:31.02] that you knew nothing about dance
[00:32.70] and Deb introduce you to the ballet. Deb
[00:35.73] Right?
[00:36.94] She took me to " The Nutcracker".
[00:38.12] And you bought her into your world, too...
[00:41.65] I I would assume.
[00:43.11] I got her to love the Lakers.
[00:44.76] Right.
[00:46.34] Because anything that brought you that much joy
[00:50.11] she wanted to be a part of.
[00:52.20] I mean, look
[00:52.87] Grayson, it sounds like Vanessa just isn' t the right woman. Grayson
[00:55.53] Don' t sell yourself short.
[00:59.17] Thanks, Jane.


[00:00.53] hǎo ba huàn gè huà tí
[00:02.87] nǐ hé Vanessa zěn me yàng le?
[00:05.89] tīng shuō nǐ men yuē huì le
[00:07.42] shì de, dàn shì kǒng pà hái méi kāi shǐ jiù jié shù le
[00:11.58] shì de.
[00:12.67] wǒ men shì bù tóng shì jiè de rén
[00:14.23] wǒ zūn zhòng tā, tā hěn měi
[00:16.02] dàn shì tā shì shàng liú shì jiè de rén, ér wǒ bú shì
[00:20.08] suǒ yǐ, děng děng
[00:21.28] nǐ jué de nǐ pèi bù shàng tā?
[00:22.80] wǒ méi nà me shuō
[00:23.57] wǒ shuō nǐ hé Deb yī kāi shǐ yě bú shì tóng yí gè shì jiè de
[00:27.47] dāng rán shì tīng shuō de, Stacy gào sù wǒ de
[00:31.02] yǐ qián nǐ duì wǔ dǎo yī wú suǒ zhī
[00:32.70] què jiào huì nǐ xīn shǎng bā lěi
[00:35.73] duì ba?
[00:36.94] tā dài wǒ qù kàn" hú táo jiā zi"
[00:38.12] nǐ bǎ tā dài jìn nǐ de shì jiè
[00:41.65] wǒ cāi shì ba
[00:43.11] wǒ ràng tā xǐ huān shàng hú rén duì
[00:44.76] duì
[00:46.34] yīn wèi rèn hé nǐ xǐ huān de shì qíng
[00:50.11] tā dōu xiǎng yǔ nǐ fēn xiǎng
[00:52.20] wǒ de yì sī shì
[00:52.87] huò xǔ Vanessa bú shì nǐ dí zhēn mìng tiān nǚ
[00:55.53] dàn nǐ bié kàn qīng zì jǐ
[00:59.17] xiè xiè, jiǎn