
歌曲 钢琴成了废品
歌手 英语听力
专辑 随身英语


[00:00.017] When it comes to owning an upright piano, society has changed its tune.
[00:06.681] One hundred years ago, having the instrument in your home was a sign of social status,
[00:13.044] as well as being an important source of home entertainment.
[00:18.024] But, nowadays, it seems that the piano's heyday is over,
[00:22.425] and fewer people are choosing to tinkle the ivories at home.
[00:27.567] The once impressive instrument sits silently in the corner of people's living rooms, gathering dust.
[00:34.800] Many families have had to face the music - the instrument takes up too much space -
[00:41.267] and so make the difficult decision of selling their piano.
[00:45.400] But, to their dismay, no-one is buying.
[00:50.427] Even when they're going for a song, buyers are not coming forward.
[00:55.466] What's more, many owners are finding that they cannot even give their old pianos away.
[01:01.619] Piano restorers across the globe have been inundated with calls from owners,
[01:07.344] hoping to hear that their instrument is worth a lot of money.
[01:11.802] John Gist, from the Gist Piano Centre in Louisville, Kentucky,
[01:16.958] receives 10 to 15 calls a day from people asking how much their piano is worth.
[01:23.528] The answer comes like a broken record – not much.
[01:28.439] "It becomes a money pit," says Gist, and his advice is simply "to get rid of it." “
[01:35.125] Pianos are complicated to restore, as they have thousands of moving parts.
[01:40.385] Fine-tuning the instrument is complex: loosening the strings can take around 10 hours;
[01:47.084] even just polishing the piano can take up to 70.
[01:51.520] So, the instruments that once rang out in thousands of households across the world are slowly and steadily ending up on the scrapheap.
[02:01.597] But the death knell hasn't sounded for the piano just yet.
[02:06.647] There is one market where the piano is booming – China.
[02:11.918] Sales of pianos have reached a crescendo in the Chinese market,
[02:17.363] with 300,000 pianos made there every year.
[02:21.357] Famous Chinese virtuosos like Lang Lang, who first performed as a child,
[02:27.267] have struck a chord with many other young musicians who have an interest in classical music,
[02:32.781] and parents in tune with the times see piano playing as a way their child can get ahead.
[02:39.747] But despite its growing popularity in China,
[02:43.660] the traditional, wooden piano appears to have had its swan song,
[02:47.921] with those who are buying opting for digital versions,
[02:51.660] which are cheaper, quieter and, crucially, can be easily stored so they don't gather dust.


tool: dēng lǐ de gē cí gǔn dòng jī
[00:00.017] When it comes to owning an upright piano, society has changed its tune.
[00:06.681] One hundred years ago, having the instrument in your home was a sign of social status,
[00:13.044] as well as being an important source of home entertainment.
[00:18.024] But, nowadays, it seems that the piano' s heyday is over,
[00:22.425] and fewer people are choosing to tinkle the ivories at home.
[00:27.567] The once impressive instrument sits silently in the corner of people' s living rooms, gathering dust.
[00:34.800] Many families have had to face the music the instrument takes up too much space
[00:41.267] and so make the difficult decision of selling their piano.
[00:45.400] But, to their dismay, noone is buying.
[00:50.427] Even when they' re going for a song, buyers are not coming forward.
[00:55.466] What' s more, many owners are finding that they cannot even give their old pianos away.
[01:01.619] Piano restorers across the globe have been inundated with calls from owners,
[01:07.344] hoping to hear that their instrument is worth a lot of money.
[01:11.802] John Gist, from the Gist Piano Centre in Louisville, Kentucky,
[01:16.958] receives 10 to 15 calls a day from people asking how much their piano is worth.
[01:23.528] The answer comes like a broken record not much.
[01:28.439] " It becomes a money pit," says Gist, and his advice is simply " to get rid of it." "
[01:35.125] Pianos are complicated to restore, as they have thousands of moving parts.
[01:40.385] Finetuning the instrument is complex: loosening the strings can take around 10 hours
[01:47.084] even just polishing the piano can take up to 70.
[01:51.520] So, the instruments that once rang out in thousands of households across the world are slowly and steadily ending up on the scrapheap.
[02:01.597] But the death knell hasn' t sounded for the piano just yet.
[02:06.647] There is one market where the piano is booming China.
[02:11.918] Sales of pianos have reached a crescendo in the Chinese market,
[02:17.363] with 300, 000 pianos made there every year.
[02:21.357] Famous Chinese virtuosos like Lang Lang, who first performed as a child,
[02:27.267] have struck a chord with many other young musicians who have an interest in classical music,
[02:32.781] and parents in tune with the times see piano playing as a way their child can get ahead.
[02:39.747] But despite its growing popularity in China,
[02:43.660] the traditional, wooden piano appears to have had its swan song,
[02:47.921] with those who are buying opting for digital versions,
[02:51.660] which are cheaper, quieter and, crucially, can be easily stored so they don' t gather dust.


tool: dēng lǐ de gē cí gǔn dòng jī
[00:00.017] dāng tí dào yōng yǒu yī jià shù shì gāng qín shí, shè huì yú lùn yǐ jīng gǎi biàn le lùn diào.
[00:06.681] yī bǎi nián qián, zài jiā zhōng ān zhì zhè jiàn yuè qì shì yī zhǒng shè huì dì wèi de xiàng zhēng,
[00:13.044] tóng yàng yě shì jiā tíng yú lè de yí gè zhòng yào lái yuán.
[00:18.024] dàn xiàn rú jīn, gāng qín de quán shèng qī kàn qǐ lái yǐ jīng jié shù le,
[00:22.425] xuǎn zé zài jiā zhōng tán gāng qín de rén yuè lái yuè shǎo.
[00:27.567] nà céng jīng shēn rù rén xīn de yuè qì ān jìng dì bèi gē zhì zài rén men kè tīng de jiǎo luò lǐ jī huī.
[00:34.800] xǔ duō jiā tíng bù dé bù yǒng gǎn miàn duì xiàn shí zhè jiàn yuè qì zhàn jù le tài dà de kōng jiān
[00:41.267] yīn cǐ zuò chū le mài diào gāng qín zhè gè jiān nán de jué dìng.
[00:45.400] dàn lìng tā men shī wàng de shì, méi yǒu rén yuàn yì mǎi.
[00:50.427] jí shǐ tā men jiàn jià pāo shòu, yě méi yǒu mǎi jiā shàng mén lái.
[00:55.466] cǐ wài, xǔ duō gāng qín zhǔ fā xiàn tā men shèn zhì wú fǎ jiāng jiù gāng qín bái sòng chū qù.
[01:01.619] quán shì jiè de gāng qín xiū fù shī yǐ jīng bèi gāng qín zhǔ de diàn huà yān mò,
[01:07.344] tā men xī wàng tīng dào zì jǐ de zhè jiàn yuè qì kě yǐ mài hěn duō qián.
[01:11.802] lái zì kěn tǎ jī zhōu lù yì sī wéi ěr jí sī tè gāng qín zhōng xīn de yuē hàn jí sī tè,
[01:16.958] měi tiān huì shōu dào 10 dào 15 gè lái xún wèn tā men de gāng qín zhí duō shǎo qián de rén de diàn huà.
[01:23.528] dá àn jiù xiàng yí gè pò chàng piān bù zhí duō shǎo qián.
[01:28.439] tā biàn chéng le yí gè qián kēng", jí sī tè shuō, tā de jiàn yì hěn jiǎn dān" bǎi tuō diào tā."
[01:35.125] gāng qín de xiū fù fēi cháng fù zá, yīn wèi tā men yǒu shù yǐ qiān jì de huó dòng líng jiàn.
[01:40.385] xì diào zhè jiàn yuè qì shì fù zá de: fàng sōng qín xián néng huā fèi dà yuē 10 xiǎo shí,
[01:47.084] jǐn jǐn gěi gāng qín pāo guāng jiù néng zhàn jù 70 xiǎo shí.
[01:51.520] yīn cǐ, zhè gè céng jīng zài shì jiè gè dì chéng qiān shàng wàn de jiā tíng zhōng zòu xiǎng de yuè qì màn màn dì píng wěn dì yíng lái le bèi pāo zài fèi wù duī de jié jú.
[02:01.597] dàn sǐ wáng de sāng zhōng hái wèi duì gāng qín xiǎng qǐ.
[02:06.647] hái yǒu yí gè gāng qín dà shòu huān yíng de shì chǎng zhōng guó.
[02:11.918] gāng qín zài zhōng guó shì chǎng de xiāo shòu liàng yǐ dá dào yí gè gāo cháo,
[02:17.363] měi nián zài nà huì yǒu 300000 jià gāng qín bèi zhì zào.
[02:21.357] nèi xiē xiàng láng lǎng yí yàng cóng hái tóng shí qī jiù kāi shǐ yǎn zòu gāng qín de zhù míng de zhōng guó yì shù jiā men,
[02:27.267] zài xǔ duō qí tā duì gǔ diǎn yīn yuè gǎn xīng qù de nián qīng lè shǒu zhōng jī qǐ gòng míng,
[02:32.781] bìng qiě jiā zhǎng men yě zhuī suí cháo liú bǎ tán gāng qín kàn zuò néng shǐ tā men hái zi lǐng xiān de yī zhǒng fāng shì.
[02:39.747] dàn jǐn guǎn zài zhōng guó rì jiàn huān yíng,
[02:43.660] chuán tǒng de mù zhì gāng qín sì hū yǐ jīng yíng lái le zuì hòu de jué chàng.
[02:47.921] yīn wéi rén men zhèng qīng xiàng xuǎn zé gòu mǎi diàn zǐ qín,
[02:51.660] tā men gèng pián yí ān jìng, zuì zhòng yào de shì róng yì ān zhì bú huì jī huī.