12月六级听力真题-短文听写 (3/3)

歌曲 12月六级听力真题-短文听写 (3/3)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 六级真题:2011年


"If you asked me television is unhealthy", I said to my roommate Walter, as I walked into the living room."While you are sitting passively in front of the TV set, your muscles are turning to fat, your complexion is fading, and your eyesight is being ruined." "Shh," Walter put his finger to his lips, "This is an intriguing murder mystery." "Really?" I replied. "But you know, the brain is destroyed by TV viewing. Creativity is killed by that box. And people are kept from communicating with one another. From my point of view, TV is the cause of the declining interest in school and the failure of our entire educational system." "Ah ha, I kind of see your point." Walter said softly. "But see? The woman on the witness stand in this story is being questioned about the murder that was committed 100 years ago." Ignoring his enthusiastic description of the plot, I went on with my argument. "As I see it," I explained, "not only are most TV programs badly written and produced, but viewers are also manipulated by the mass media. As far as I am concerned, TV watchers are cut off from reality from nature, from other people, from life itself. I was confident in my ability to persuade." After a short silence, my roommate said, "Anyway, I've been planning to watch the football game. I am going to change the channel." "Don't touch that dial." I shouted, "I want to find out how the mystery turns out." I am not sure I got my point to cross. Question 33 As the speaker walked into the living room, what was being shown on TV? Question 34 What does the speaker say about watching television? Question 35 What can we say about the speaker?
“如果你问我,我会说电视是不健康的。”我走进起居室对我的室友沃尔特说,“当你被动地坐在电视机前,你的肌肉正逐渐转变成脂肪,面色慢慢枯黄,甚至会毁了你的视力。” “嘘~”沃尔特把他的手指放在嘴唇上说,“这是一个耐人寻味的神秘谋杀。” “真的吗?”我回道。 “但是你知道吗,观看电视会损坏大脑。创造力就是被电视所扼杀的,而且它抑制了人与人之间的交流。在我看来,电视正是造成学习兴趣下降和我们整个教育体系失败的原因。” “啊哈,我不明白你说的。”沃尔特轻声说,“但看到了么?故事中证人席上的女人正因大约100年前犯下的谋杀案受到审问。” 忽略他对剧情热心的介绍,我继续说着我的观点。 “照我看来,”我解释说,“不仅是大多数电视节目糟糕地编制,而且观众也由大众传媒所操控。就我个人而言(我认为),电视观众被切断了与现实、自然,与其他人们,甚至与生命本身的联系。我对我的说服能力有信心。” 短暂沉默后,我室友说:“不管怎样,我一直打算看足球比赛,我要换台。” “不要碰遥控器。”我喊道,“我想弄清这神秘谋杀案的结果。” 我不确定,我的观点待定。 问题33:作者走进客厅时电视在放什么节目? 问题34:作者对于看电视是怎么说的? 问题35:我们怎么看待这个作者?


" If you asked me television is unhealthy", I said to my roommate Walter, as I walked into the living room." While you are sitting passively in front of the TV set, your muscles are turning to fat, your complexion is fading, and your eyesight is being ruined." " Shh," Walter put his finger to his lips, " This is an intriguing murder mystery." " Really?" I replied. " But you know, the brain is destroyed by TV viewing. Creativity is killed by that box. And people are kept from communicating with one another. From my point of view, TV is the cause of the declining interest in school and the failure of our entire educational system." " Ah ha, I kind of see your point." Walter said softly. " But see? The woman on the witness stand in this story is being questioned about the murder that was committed 100 years ago." Ignoring his enthusiastic description of the plot, I went on with my argument. " As I see it," I explained, " not only are most TV programs badly written and produced, but viewers are also manipulated by the mass media. As far as I am concerned, TV watchers are cut off from reality from nature, from other people, from life itself. I was confident in my ability to persuade." After a short silence, my roommate said, " Anyway, I' ve been planning to watch the football game. I am going to change the channel." " Don' t touch that dial." I shouted, " I want to find out how the mystery turns out." I am not sure I got my point to cross. Question 33 As the speaker walked into the living room, what was being shown on TV? Question 34 What does the speaker say about watching television? Question 35 What can we say about the speaker?
" rú guǒ nǐ wèn wǒ, wǒ huì shuō diàn shì shì bù jiàn kāng de." wǒ zǒu jìn qǐ jū shì duì wǒ de shì yǒu wò ěr tè shuō," dāng nǐ bèi dòng dì zuò zài diàn shì jī qián, nǐ de jī ròu zhèng zhú jiàn zhuǎn biàn chéng zhī fáng, miàn sè màn màn kū huáng, shèn zhì huì huǐ le nǐ de shì lì." " xū" wò ěr tè bǎ tā de shǒu zhǐ fàng zài zuǐ chún shàng shuō," zhè shì yí gè nài rén xún wèi de shén mì móu shā." " zhēn de ma?" wǒ huí dào. " dàn shì nǐ zhī dào ma, guān kàn diàn shì huì sǔn huài dà nǎo. chuàng zào lì jiù shì bèi diàn shì suǒ è shā de, ér qiě tā yì zhì le rén yú rén zhī jiān de jiāo liú. zài wǒ kàn lái, diàn shì zhèng shì zào chéng xué xí xìng qù xià jiàng hé wǒ men zhěng gè jiào yù tǐ xì shī bài de yuán yīn." " ā hā, wǒ bù míng bái nǐ shuō de." wò ěr tè qīng shēng shuō," dàn kàn dào le me? gù shì zhōng zhèng rén xí shàng de nǚ rén zhèng yīn dà yuē 100 nián qián fàn xià de móu shā àn shòu dào shěn wèn." hū lüè tā duì jù qíng rè xīn de jiè shào, wǒ jì xù shuō zhe wǒ de guān diǎn. " zhào wǒ kàn lái," wǒ jiě shì shuō," bù jǐn shì dà duō shù diàn shì jié mù zāo gāo dì biān zhì, ér qiě guān zhòng yě yóu dà zhòng chuán méi suǒ cāo kòng. jiù wǒ gè rén ér yán wǒ rèn wéi, diàn shì guān zhòng bèi qiē duàn le yǔ xiàn shí zì rán, yǔ qí tā rén men, shèn zhì yǔ shēng mìng běn shēn de lián xì. wǒ duì wǒ de shuō fú néng lì yǒu xìn xīn." duǎn zàn chén mò hòu, wǒ shì yǒu shuō:" bù guǎn zěn yàng, wǒ yī zhí dǎ suàn kàn zú qiú bǐ sài, wǒ yào huàn tái." " bú yào pèng yáo kòng qì." wǒ hǎn dào," wǒ xiǎng nòng qīng zhè shén mì móu shā àn de jié guǒ." wǒ bù què dìng, wǒ de guān diǎn dài dìng. wèn tí 33: zuò zhě zǒu jìn kè tīng shí diàn shì zài fàng shén me jié mù? wèn tí 34: zuò zhě duì yú kàn diàn shì shì zěn me shuō de? wèn tí 35: wǒ men zěn me kàn dài zhè gè zuò zhě?