
歌曲 发现无限14
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC生命博物馆


I mean, these objects are without comparison, they really really give us a unique insight into 18th century science, and their huge monetary value, and massively precious. So these are the foundation stones of the museum? Totally, totally. But alongside a passion for collecting, Sir Hans Sloane knew that the right discovery could make him extremely wealthy. Hi. Hello, everyone. Sandy Knapp, botanical researcher, has been looking into the story of the plant that made Sloane a fortune. They look a bit sort of like almonds or dried out runner beans, don't they? While he was in Jamaica, he discovered the locals were grinding the pods of nearby trees. They were mixing the powder with water to make an unpromising brown drink. It was known as chocolate. Sir Hans Sloane drank chocolate without sugar the way they drank it in the Caribbean and Central America when he first went to Jamaica, and he did not like it. Everybody wants to volunteer, come on up. And what I want everybody to do, this is the chaotic part. Sandy is trying to show people how unpromising the discovery was... One two three. Before Sloane added the milk and sugar into the recipe that we still enjoy today.
这些藏品无与伦比,它们带给我们对18世纪科学的独特认识,它们价值连城,珍贵万分。它们就是本馆的基石,完全是。但除了对收藏的热爱之外,汉斯·斯隆爵士知道伟大的发现,将使自己收入颇丰。 大家好。 珊迪·纳普,植物学研究员,一直在研究给斯隆带来大量财富的植物,它们有一点像杏仁和干掉的红花菜豆,不是吗? 在牙买加时,爵士发现当地人研磨附近树木的豆荚,他们将粉末与水混合,制成一种不甚流行的褐色饮料。这种饮料便是可可,汉斯·斯隆爵士第一次去牙买加时,依照加勒比海和美国中部的喝法,饮用了不加糖的可可,而他并不喜欢。 有谁自愿,请上来。 我想要你们做的是,会挺混乱的。珊迪想让大家明白,这个发现在当时是多不流行。 一 二 三 斯隆发明了加牛奶和糖的配方之后,可可才有了如今人们喜爱的味道。


I mean, these objects are without comparison, they really really give us a unique insight into 18th century science, and their huge monetary value, and massively precious. So these are the foundation stones of the museum? Totally, totally. But alongside a passion for collecting, Sir Hans Sloane knew that the right discovery could make him extremely wealthy. Hi. Hello, everyone. Sandy Knapp, botanical researcher, has been looking into the story of the plant that made Sloane a fortune. They look a bit sort of like almonds or dried out runner beans, don' t they? While he was in Jamaica, he discovered the locals were grinding the pods of nearby trees. They were mixing the powder with water to make an unpromising brown drink. It was known as chocolate. Sir Hans Sloane drank chocolate without sugar the way they drank it in the Caribbean and Central America when he first went to Jamaica, and he did not like it. Everybody wants to volunteer, come on up. And what I want everybody to do, this is the chaotic part. Sandy is trying to show people how unpromising the discovery was... One two three. Before Sloane added the milk and sugar into the recipe that we still enjoy today.
zhèi xiē cáng pǐn wú yǔ lún bǐ, tā men dài gěi wǒ men duì 18 shì jì kē xué de dú tè rèn shi, tā men jià zhí lián chéng, zhēn guì wàn fēn. tā men jiù shì běn guǎn de jī shí, wán quán shì. dàn chú le duì shōu cáng de rè ài zhī wài, hàn sī sī lóng jué shì zhī dào wěi dà de fā xiàn, jiāng shǐ zì jǐ shōu rù pō fēng. dà jiā hǎo. shān dí nà pǔ, zhí wù xué yán jiū yuán, yī zhí zài yán jiū gěi sī lóng dài lái dà liàng cái fù de zhí wù, tā men yǒu yì diǎn xiàng xìng rén hé gàn diào de hóng huā cài dòu, bú shì ma? zài yá mǎi jiā shí, jué shì fā xiàn dāng dì rén yán mó fù jìn shù mù de dòu jiá, tā men jiāng fěn mò yǔ shuǐ hùn hé, zhì chéng yī zhǒng bù shèn liú xíng de hè sè yǐn liào. zhè zhǒng yǐn liào biàn shì kě kě, hàn sī sī lóng jué shì dì yī cì qù yá mǎi jiā shí, yī zhào jiā lè bǐ hǎi hé měi guó zhōng bù de hē fǎ, yǐn yòng liǎo bù jiā táng de kě kě, ér tā bìng bù xǐ huān. yǒu shuí zì yuàn, qǐng shàng lái. wǒ xiǎng yào nǐ men zuò de shì, huì tǐng hùn luàn de. shān dí xiǎng ràng dà jiā míng bái, zhè gè fā xiàn zài dāng shí shì duō bù liú xíng. yī èr sān sī lóng fā míng liǎo jiā niú nǎi hé táng de pèi fāng zhī hòu, kě kě cái yǒu liǎo rú jīn rén men xǐ ài de wèi dào.