
歌曲 发现无限22
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC生命博物馆


The temperature fell to minus 60. It was so cold that their teeth cracked but the men kept going, sometimes covering little more than a mile a day. Three gruelling weeks later they arrived at the breeding colony of the Emperor Penguins. So they've just risked their lives for 19 days in order to get to the colony, so the acquisition of those specimens must have been immense, the feeling of relief. Were these the only three they were able to collect? They originally collected five, but they put them into their fur mitts to protect them, and Cherry-Garrard unfortunately fell and broke his two eggs, so ultimately the only three they managed to get back intact were these three. Do you think these eggs are one of the specimens that must have been the hardest to collect in the whole museum? Yes, they're certainly some of the most iconic and, you know, specimens in the whole of the collections. What they clearly illustrate is the lengths to which people have gone, to which we actually go and try and push the boundaries of science forward.
但他们唯有前行,有时一天只能走1英里,艰苦的三周之后,他们终于找到了帝企鹅的繁殖地,整整19天,他们冒着生命危险寻找繁殖地,取得标本对他们来说必定意义重大,终于可以松一口气了。 他们最后只拿到了这三枚蛋吗? 他们实际上拿到了5枚,为了保护那些蛋,就放到了皮手套里。不幸的是,切利-加兰在回程中摔倒。他的两个就碎掉了,所以他们最终成功带回的。 就是这三个?你觉得这是博物馆中,收集过程最艰难的标本之一吗? 是的,绝对是所有藏品中,极具代表性的藏品,它们所展示的是人类,为拓宽科学界限所做的努力。


The temperature fell to minus 60. It was so cold that their teeth cracked but the men kept going, sometimes covering little more than a mile a day. Three gruelling weeks later they arrived at the breeding colony of the Emperor Penguins. So they' ve just risked their lives for 19 days in order to get to the colony, so the acquisition of those specimens must have been immense, the feeling of relief. Were these the only three they were able to collect? They originally collected five, but they put them into their fur mitts to protect them, and CherryGarrard unfortunately fell and broke his two eggs, so ultimately the only three they managed to get back intact were these three. Do you think these eggs are one of the specimens that must have been the hardest to collect in the whole museum? Yes, they' re certainly some of the most iconic and, you know, specimens in the whole of the collections. What they clearly illustrate is the lengths to which people have gone, to which we actually go and try and push the boundaries of science forward.
dàn tā men wéi yǒu qián xíng, yǒu shí yì tiān zhǐ néng zǒu 1 yīng lǐ, jiān kǔ de sān zhōu zhī hòu, tā men zhōng yú zhǎo dào le dì qǐ é de fán zhí dì, zhěng zhěng 19 tiān, tā men mào zhe shēng mìng wēi xiǎn xún zhǎo fán zhí dì, qǔ de biāo běn duì tā men lái shuō bì dìng yì yì zhòng dà, zhōng yú kě yǐ sōng yī kǒu qì le. tā men zuì hòu zhǐ ná dào le zhè sān méi dàn ma? tā men shí jì shang ná dào le 5 méi, wèi le bǎo hù nèi xiē dàn, jiù fàng dào le pí shǒu tào lǐ. bù xìng de shì, qiè lì jiā lán zài huí chéng zhōng shuāi dǎo. tā de liǎng gè jiù suì diào le, suǒ yǐ tā men zuì zhōng chéng gōng dài huí de. jiù shì zhè sān ge? nǐ jué de zhè shì bó wù guǎn zhōng, shōu jí guò chéng zuì jiān nán de biāo běn zhī yī ma? shì de, jué duì shì suǒ yǒu cáng pǐn zhōng, jí jù dài biǎo xìng de cáng pǐn, tā men suǒ zhǎn shì de shì rén lèi, wèi tuò kuān kē xué jiè xiàn suǒ zuò de nǔ lì.