
歌曲 发现无限3
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC生命博物馆


When they returned two years later they found a creature, entirely new to science, that amazingly was feeding on the whale bones. I'm joining the museum's Adrian Glover, the man who first broke news of the new species, as he heads back to sea for further investigations. About six years ago the whale was sunk, well, what're you expecting to see? What's left of it today, do you reckon? We're expecting hopefully to see bones there, sitting like a reef-like structure on the seabed, so we hope. Hopefully it's not been completely buried or washed away. Well, hopefully we'll find it. I mean, you never know these six... Oh, we wanted, not even find it? No, no, I didn't say that. Oh, no. I really hope we do find this whale skeleton because it's the only place Adrian has any hope of collecting the peculiar species he's recently discovered. Once the boat's in the right spot it's up to the submersible or ROV - to go on its search. It's all done by remote control.
两年后他们回转此地,发现了一个学界从未知晓的新物种。这种生物不可思议地以鲸骨为食。我采访了博物馆科学家艾德里安·格洛弗,他就是科学家们重回故地进一步调查时,第一个发现这个新物种的人。 鲸鱼尸骸已沉入海底6年,你期待看到什么?你认为它还剩下什么? 我们希望看到骨骸如暗礁立于海床之上,这就是我们所希望的,希望它没被全部掩埋或冲走,希望能够找到它,谁知道呢?也可能会找不到了吗? -不,我可没这么说 -那就好。我真的希望能找到鲸鱼骸骨,因为这是有望采集艾德里安,最新发现的物种的唯一一处区域。一旦船停在合适的地方,就要靠潜水设备,或水下机器人进行搜寻,这项工作完全由远程操控完成。


When they returned two years later they found a creature, entirely new to science, that amazingly was feeding on the whale bones. I' m joining the museum' s Adrian Glover, the man who first broke news of the new species, as he heads back to sea for further investigations. About six years ago the whale was sunk, well, what' re you expecting to see? What' s left of it today, do you reckon? We' re expecting hopefully to see bones there, sitting like a reeflike structure on the seabed, so we hope. Hopefully it' s not been completely buried or washed away. Well, hopefully we' ll find it. I mean, you never know these six... Oh, we wanted, not even find it? No, no, I didn' t say that. Oh, no. I really hope we do find this whale skeleton because it' s the only place Adrian has any hope of collecting the peculiar species he' s recently discovered. Once the boat' s in the right spot it' s up to the submersible or ROV to go on its search. It' s all done by remote control.
liǎng nián hòu tā men huí zhuǎn cǐ dì, fā xiàn le yí gè xué jiè cóng wèi zhī xiǎo de xīn wù zhǒng. zhè zhǒng shēng wù bù kě sī yì dì yǐ jīng gǔ wèi shí. wǒ cǎi fǎng le bó wù guǎn kē xué jiā ài dé lǐ ān gé luò fú, tā jiù shì kē xué jiā men chóng huí gù dì jìn yī bù diào chá shí, dì yí gè fā xiàn zhè gè xīn wù zhǒng de rén. jīng yú shī hái yǐ chén rù hǎi dǐ 6 nián, nǐ qī dài kàn dào shén me? nǐ rèn wéi tā hái shèng xià shén me? wǒ men xī wàng kàn dào gǔ hái rú àn jiāo lì yú hǎi chuáng zhī shàng, zhè jiù shì wǒ men suǒ xī wàng de, xī wàng tā méi bèi quán bù yǎn mái huò chōng zǒu, xī wàng néng gòu zhǎo dào tā, shéi zhī dào ne? yě kě néng huì zhǎo bu dào le ma? bù, wǒ kě méi zhè me shuō nà jiù hǎo. wǒ zhēn de xī wàng néng zhǎo dào jīng yú hái gǔ, yīn wèi zhè shì yǒu wàng cǎi jí ài dé lǐ ān, zuì xīn fā xiàn de wù zhǒng de wéi yī yī chù qū yù. yī dàn chuán tíng zài hé shì de dì fāng, jiù yào kào qián shuǐ shè bèi, huò shuǐ xià jī qì rén jìn xíng sōu xún, zhè xiàng gōng zuò wán quán yóu yuǎn chéng cāo kòng wán chéng.