
歌曲 发现无限30
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC生命博物馆


It's physically very tough, it's naturally a quite hostile environment for us. There isn't much to eat, there's lots of things that can do you damage, and you really feel that you're kind of away from everything. On expedition with Alex is reptile expert Mark Wilkinson. He is fully aware of the dangers of the jungle. Now these are deadly. It's a great big adder and a lot more toxic, and these are quite aggressive as well, I think. I tend to shy away from dangerous snakes. The aim of the first day is to collect 60 specimens. Previous surveys have already identified that this forest is full of species found nowhere else on earth. And all of those species have their own unique history, their own unique way of reproducing, of dispersing, of just kind of surviving and keeping the populations going generation after generation for thousands of millions of years. I just find that's just completely amazing.
理所当然,这是困难重重。对于我们来说该环境极为不利,食物稀少稍有不慎就会造成破坏。你会觉得自己被尘世孤立了。与亚历克同行的有爬行动物专家马克·威尔金森,他深知丛林中存在的危险。 这些是致命的,是条大蝰蛇,毒性更强。我觉得,攻击性也很强。我可不愿招惹危险的蛇类。 第一天的目标是收集六十种标本,之前的调查已经证实该森林中,遍布独此一处的稀有物种。 这里的物种都有自己独特的历史,独一无二的繁殖与传播方式。几百万年来不断繁衍,数千年来生生不息,在我眼中,这就是奇迹。


It' s physically very tough, it' s naturally a quite hostile environment for us. There isn' t much to eat, there' s lots of things that can do you damage, and you really feel that you' re kind of away from everything. On expedition with Alex is reptile expert Mark Wilkinson. He is fully aware of the dangers of the jungle. Now these are deadly. It' s a great big adder and a lot more toxic, and these are quite aggressive as well, I think. I tend to shy away from dangerous snakes. The aim of the first day is to collect 60 specimens. Previous surveys have already identified that this forest is full of species found nowhere else on earth. And all of those species have their own unique history, their own unique way of reproducing, of dispersing, of just kind of surviving and keeping the populations going generation after generation for thousands of millions of years. I just find that' s just completely amazing.
lǐ suǒ dāng rán, zhè shì kùn nán chóng chóng. duì yú wǒ men lái shuō gāi huán jìng jí wéi bù lì, shí wù xī shǎo shāo yǒu bù shèn jiù huì zào chéng pò huài. nǐ huì jué de zì jǐ bèi chén shì gū lì le. yǔ yà lì kè tóng háng de yǒu pá xíng dòng wù zhuān jiā mǎ kè wēi ěr jīn sēn, tā shēn zhì cóng lín zhōng cún zài de wēi xiǎn. zhèi xiē shì zhì mìng de, shì tiáo dà kuí shé, dú xìng gèng qiáng. wǒ jué de, gōng jī xìng yě hěn qiáng. wǒ kě bù yuàn zhāo rě wēi xiǎn de shé lèi. dì yì tiān de mù biāo shì shōu jí liù shí zhǒng biāo běn, zhī qián de diào chá yǐ jīng zhèng shí gāi sēn lín zhōng, biàn bù dú cǐ yī chù de xī yǒu wù zhǒng. zhè lǐ de wù zhǒng dōu yǒu zì jǐ dú tè de lì shǐ, dú yī wú èr de fán zhí yǔ chuán bō fāng shì. jǐ bǎi wàn nián lái bù duàn fán yǎn, shù qiān nián lái shēng shēng bù xī, zài wǒ yǎn zhōng, zhè jiù shì qí jī.