
歌曲 发现无限36
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC生命博物馆


And when they first arrived, we'd been there before, and they asked what dung beetles we'd seen. We said, "This this this." They said, "You can't have seen that." So why not? They say, "Well. We know this place. We've studied here. It doesn't occur here. It's a lowland species and we're at 1,600 metres." So you've found a dung beetle in a piece of dung where it shouldn't really have been? Exactly. That's incredible. So that shows that climate change is affecting insects' ecology? Well yes, that's right. It seems that insects are moving up mountains. Right. And of course insects live at particular zones of altitude and temperature, so if they all move up one, what happens to the ones that are already living in the top zone? Yeah. They don't have anywhere to go, so it could be that this climate were to get warmer, we would start losing species that live on the tops of mountains. That's something we conservationists need to be aware of. So it's not always about finding a new species isn't unknown to science, it's about finding a species that shouldn't be there, cos that's a different story? That's right, a lot of these are very well-known, but we thought that we knew where they lived. And now they're moving and living in different places and that's interesting, ecologically. Why they're doing that?
我们比他们先到,他们问我们观察到了什么样的蜣螂。我们就一一展示,他们说 "这不可能",我们问 "为什么呢"。他们说 "我们了解这个地方"。以前考察过,这种蜣螂不会出现在这里。这是低地物种 ,而这里海拔1600米,也就是说你们在粪便中发现了原本不该生活在那里的蜣螂。 正是如此 这太不可思议了,这说明气候变化在影响昆虫生态吗? 正是这样,昆虫正向海拔更高处迁移。昆虫只能在特定海拔和温度下生存,如果全部向上迁移,高处的昆虫又何去何从呢? 它们无处可去,所以可以推断,假如气候变暖,山顶生物将走向灭绝。这是环保人士急需关注的问题,那么探索的目的不只是发现未知的新品种,还要发现违反常理出现的生物,因为会引出新发现。 是的 ,我们熟知其中大部分物种,也曾以为对它们的栖息环境了如指掌。现在却发现它们正往别处迁移。生态学上,这行为耐人寻味,不可思议。


And when they first arrived, we' d been there before, and they asked what dung beetles we' d seen. We said, " This this this." They said, " You can' t have seen that." So why not? They say, " Well. We know this place. We' ve studied here. It doesn' t occur here. It' s a lowland species and we' re at 1, 600 metres." So you' ve found a dung beetle in a piece of dung where it shouldn' t really have been? Exactly. That' s incredible. So that shows that climate change is affecting insects' ecology? Well yes, that' s right. It seems that insects are moving up mountains. Right. And of course insects live at particular zones of altitude and temperature, so if they all move up one, what happens to the ones that are already living in the top zone? Yeah. They don' t have anywhere to go, so it could be that this climate were to get warmer, we would start losing species that live on the tops of mountains. That' s something we conservationists need to be aware of. So it' s not always about finding a new species isn' t unknown to science, it' s about finding a species that shouldn' t be there, cos that' s a different story? That' s right, a lot of these are very wellknown, but we thought that we knew where they lived. And now they' re moving and living in different places and that' s interesting, ecologically. Why they' re doing that?
wǒ men bǐ tā men xiān dào, tā men wèn wǒ men guān chá dào le shén me yàng de qiāng láng. wǒ men jiù yī yī zhǎn shì, tā men shuō " zhè bù kě néng", wǒ men wèn " wèi shí me ne". tā men shuō " wǒ men liǎo jiě zhè gè dì fāng". yǐ qián kǎo chá guò, zhè zhǒng qiāng láng bú huì chū xiàn zài zhè lǐ. zhè shì dī dì wù zhǒng , ér zhè lǐ hǎi bá 1600 mǐ, yě jiù shì shuō nǐ men zài fèn biàn zhōng fā xiàn le yuán běn bù gāi shēng huó zài nà li de qiāng láng. zhèng shì rú cǐ zhè tài bù kě sī yì le, zhè shuō míng qì hòu biàn huà zài yǐng xiǎng kūn chóng shēng tài ma? zhèng shì zhè yàng, kūn chóng zhèng xiàng hǎi bá gèng gāo chù qiān yí. kūn chóng zhǐ néng zài tè dìng hǎi bá hé wēn dù xià shēng cún, rú guǒ quán bù xiàng shàng qiān yí, gāo chù de kūn chóng yòu hé qù hé cóng ne? tā men wú chǔ kě qù, suǒ yǐ kě yǐ tuī duàn, jiǎ rú qì hòu biàn nuǎn, shān dǐng shēng wù jiāng zǒu xiàng miè jué. zhè shì huán bǎo rén shì jí xū guān zhù de wèn tí, nà me tàn suǒ de mù dì bù zhǐ shì fā xiàn wèi zhī de xīn pǐn zhǒng, hái yào fā xiàn wéi fǎn cháng lǐ chū xiàn de shēng wù, yīn wèi huì yǐn chū xīn fā xiàn. shì de , wǒ men shú zhī qí zhōng dà bù fèn wù zhǒng, yě zēng yǐ wéi duì tā men de qī xī huán jìng liǎo rú zhǐ zhǎng. xiàn zài què fā xiàn tā men zhèng wǎng bié chù qiān yí. shēng tài xué shàng, zhè xíng wéi nài rén xún wèi, bù kě sī yì.