
歌曲 发现无限39
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC生命博物馆


Gardening and food imports have brought hundreds of exotic plants into Britain, and with climate change it's increasingly common to find lemons, limes and even avocado fruiting wild each summer. That may sound idyllic, but there is a darker side to some of these recent arrivals. Now this here is the Tree of Heaven. Okay. Otherwise known to many as the Tree of Hell. Oh, why's that? Well, we now believe it to be the Tree of Hell because it is really beginning to become a bit of a nuisance. It is now starting to produce active and viable seedlings, many many many thousands of them, and these seedlings are spreading from our streets and gardens onto our railways and into the wider landscape in the urban environment.
园艺植被和食物的贸易进口,为英国引进了数百种外来植物。气候变化下,我们更加频繁地发现本地的柠檬,酸橙,甚至鳄梨。在夏季结出果实,听上去或许田园般惬意,但某些外来植物也有阴暗的一面。 这是一棵天堂树,也被称为地狱树。 为什么? 现在它被公认是地狱树,因为它的确开始制造麻烦了。这种树开始结出可生长的种子,成千上万的种子从城市街道花园散播开去,传播到铁路沿线和更为广阔的都市空间。


Gardening and food imports have brought hundreds of exotic plants into Britain, and with climate change it' s increasingly common to find lemons, limes and even avocado fruiting wild each summer. That may sound idyllic, but there is a darker side to some of these recent arrivals. Now this here is the Tree of Heaven. Okay. Otherwise known to many as the Tree of Hell. Oh, why' s that? Well, we now believe it to be the Tree of Hell because it is really beginning to become a bit of a nuisance. It is now starting to produce active and viable seedlings, many many many thousands of them, and these seedlings are spreading from our streets and gardens onto our railways and into the wider landscape in the urban environment.
yuán yì zhí bèi hé shí wù de mào yì jìn kǒu, wèi yīng guó yǐn jìn le shù bǎi zhǒng wài lái zhí wù. qì hòu biàn huà xià, wǒ men gèng jiā pín fán dì fā xiàn běn dì de níng méng, suān chéng, shèn zhì è lí. zài xià jì jié chū guǒ shí, tīng shǎng qù huò xǔ tián yuán bān qiè yì, dàn mǒu xiē wài lái zhí wù yě yǒu yīn àn de yī miàn. zhè shì yī kē tiān táng shù, yě bèi chēng wéi dì yù shù. wèi shí me? xiàn zài tā bèi gōng rèn shì dì yù shù, yīn wèi tā dí què kāi shǐ zhì zào má fán le. zhè zhòng shù kāi shǐ jié chū kě shēng zhǎng de zhǒng zi, chéng qiān shàng wàn de zhǒng zi cóng chéng shì jiē dào huā yuán sàn bō kāi qù, chuán bō dào tiě lù yán xiàn hé gèng wéi guǎng kuò de dū shì kōng jiān.