
歌曲 挖掘过去10
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC生命博物馆


Ida may not be the missing link as the world's media claimed. However it isn't the first time that our craving for a missing link has prevented us from seeing the truth. The most famous case happened almost 100 years ago, and Mark Carwardine went to unearth the evidence from the bowels of the museum. For 40 years, this fossil skull was hailed as one of the greatest scientific discoveries ever unearthed in Britain. It was given the name Eoanthropus Dawsoni, or Piltdown Man as it's more commonly known today. And it was believed to be the missing link between apes and humans. But then in 1953, it was exposed as a malicious hoax. News that rocked the scientific establishment and prompted a scandal that still rumbles on today.
伊达可能不是媒体所说的"迷失一环",而对"迷失一环"的痴迷也曾多次将人们引入歧途。最著名的例子发生于约一百年前,马克·卡沃丁从博物馆角落中找到了"当事人"。 整整四十年间,人们一直认为这个头骨化石是英国出土的最伟大的科学发现。马克·卡沃丁它被命名为道生曙人,当今人们普遍称其为辟尔唐人。当时的人们认为它是猿类向人进化过程中"迷失的一环"。但1953年人们发现这是个恶意的骗局。这则新闻震惊了整个科学界,成为一桩科学丑闻,影响延续至今。


Ida may not be the missing link as the world' s media claimed. However it isn' t the first time that our craving for a missing link has prevented us from seeing the truth. The most famous case happened almost 100 years ago, and Mark Carwardine went to unearth the evidence from the bowels of the museum. For 40 years, this fossil skull was hailed as one of the greatest scientific discoveries ever unearthed in Britain. It was given the name Eoanthropus Dawsoni, or Piltdown Man as it' s more commonly known today. And it was believed to be the missing link between apes and humans. But then in 1953, it was exposed as a malicious hoax. News that rocked the scientific establishment and prompted a scandal that still rumbles on today.
yī dá kě néng bú shì méi tǐ suǒ shuō de" mí shī yī huán", ér duì" mí shī yī huán" de chī mí yě zēng duō cì jiāng rén men yǐn rù qí tú. zuì zhù míng de lì zi fā shēng yú yuē yī bǎi nián qián, mǎ kè kǎ wò dīng cóng bó wù guǎn jiǎo luò zhōng zhǎo dào le" dāng shì rén". zhěng zhěng sì shí nián jiān, rén men yī zhí rèn wéi zhè gè tóu gǔ huà shí shì yīng guó chū tǔ de zuì wěi dà de kē xué fā xiàn. mǎ kè kǎ wò dīng tā bèi mìng míng wèi dào shēng shǔ rén, dāng jīn rén men pǔ biàn chēng qí wèi pì ěr táng rén. dāng shí de rén men rèn wéi tā shì yuán lèi xiàng rén jìn huà guò chéng zhōng" mí shī de yī huán". dàn 1953 nián rén men fā xiàn zhè shì gè è yì de piàn jú. zhè zé xīn wén zhèn jīng le zhěng gè kē xué jiè, chéng wéi yī zhuāng kē xué chǒu wén, yǐng xiǎng yán xù zhì jīn.