
歌曲 挖掘过去13
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC生命博物馆


It was everything to do with Britain's position in the world. We were an important nation, had an empire. We weren't going to have Johnny Foreigners turning up with interesting fossils and us not having any. This was an important political as well as scientific find. On December 18th 1912, Dawson and Woodward broke their story to the world. They had found the missing link, and he was English. Dubbed the earliest Englishman, for 40 years he reigned supreme. But in 1953, the sensational announcement came. Piltdown Man was a fake. The world had been deceived. It was hugely embarrassing. The scientific community had been completely taken in. There were even questions in Parliament about it, weren't there? Yeah, nationally this is quite a big issue.
这与英国的国际地位密切相关,当时我国具有重要地位拥有殖民帝国,外国人不断发现有意义的化石而我们一无所获,这是不能接受的。这是重大的科学发现,更有重大的政治意义。最古老的人类头骨于萨塞克斯出土。 “迷失的一环"找到了? 1912年12月18日,道森和伍德沃向世界公布了这一发现。他们发现了"迷失一环" 此人还是英国人,最古老的英国人。四十年来,它被称为最古老的英国人。但1953年出现了轰动性的声明,辟尔唐人是假造的。世纪恶作剧——辟尔唐人是假货,颌骨牙齿出自现代猿类,全世界都被蒙骗。 太难堪了 整个科学界都受骗了,辟尔唐先生倒大霉了, 国会也调查了此事,是吗? 是的,这件事在全国都很轰动。


It was everything to do with Britain' s position in the world. We were an important nation, had an empire. We weren' t going to have Johnny Foreigners turning up with interesting fossils and us not having any. This was an important political as well as scientific find. On December 18th 1912, Dawson and Woodward broke their story to the world. They had found the missing link, and he was English. Dubbed the earliest Englishman, for 40 years he reigned supreme. But in 1953, the sensational announcement came. Piltdown Man was a fake. The world had been deceived. It was hugely embarrassing. The scientific community had been completely taken in. There were even questions in Parliament about it, weren' t there? Yeah, nationally this is quite a big issue.
zhè yǔ yīng guó de guó jì dì wèi mì qiè xiāng guān, dāng shí wǒ guó jù yǒu zhòng yào dì wèi yōng yǒu zhí mín dì guó, wài guó rén bù duàn fà xiàn yǒu yì yì de huà shí ér wǒ men yī wú suǒ huò, zhè shì bù néng jiē shòu de. zhè shì zhòng dà de kē xué fā xiàn, gèng yǒu zhòng dà de zhèng zhì yì yì. zuì gǔ lǎo de rén lèi tóu gǔ yú sà sāi kè sī chū tǔ. " mí shī de yī huán" zhǎo dào le? 1912 nián 12 yuè 18 rì, dào sēn hé wǔ dé wò xiàng shì jiè gōng bù le zhè yī fà xiàn. tā men fā xiàn le" mí shī yī huán" cǐ rén hái shì yīng guó rén, zuì gǔ lǎo de yīng guó rén. sì shí nián lái, tā bèi chēng wéi zuì gǔ lǎo de yīng guó rén. dàn 1953 nián chū xiàn le hōng dòng xìng de shēng míng, pì ěr táng rén shì jiǎ zào de. shì jì è zuò jù pì ěr táng rén shì jiǎ huò, hé gǔ yá chǐ chū zì xiàn dài yuán lèi, quán shì jiè dōu bèi méng piàn. tài nán kān le zhěng gè kē xué jiè dōu shòu piàn le, pì ěr táng xiān shēng dào dà méi le, guó huì yě diào chá le cǐ shì, shì ma? shì de, zhè jiàn shì zài quán guó dū hěn hōng dòng.