
歌曲 挖掘过去31
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC生命博物馆


It's heavy. It's heavy, yeah. That's not surprising. It is made of stone. Once reassembled, it will make up the most complete fossil tree ever unearthed in the UK, and one of the museum's largest specimens. What sort of a wedge do we think we need under there, sandbags? Palaeontologist Paul Kennrick is in charge of reassembling this prehistoric jigsaw. I've never had to deal with anything and anywhere near this size. One of the astonishing things about this tree is it's so complete because most of the time fossil wood is dug out in just a little bits and pieces, and people give up after digging out a small block. Does that look like a good fit? It's not bad. The man who Paul has to thank for single-handedly unearthing this entire tree is amateur fossil hunter, John Needham. You remember that every single piece. Yes, the whole lot yeah John discovered the tree while out walking with his daughter Izzie. He then spent two months excavating, cleaning and numbering each section. For John, getting every piece required dedication verging on obsession.
-很重啊 -是很重 倒不奇怪 这可是石头 重新拼合后,它将成为英国史上出土 最完整的树木化石,也将是馆中最大标本之一。 底部该用哪种楔子,沙袋吗? 这个史前拼图由古生物学家保罗·肯里克负责,我从没处理过这么大的化石。这棵树的完整性令人称奇。因为大多时候,发掘出来的木化石都很零碎,而且挖出一小块后,人们就会放弃。 -这里拼得上吗 -还行 保罗要感谢约翰·尼达姆,因为这位业余化石收藏家,独自挖出了整棵树你记得每一块化石? 是的,全部都记得。 约翰和女儿伊兹散步时,发现了这棵树。然后他花费两月 挖出所有化石,一一清理并编号。对于约翰来说,逐块挖掘,需要近乎迷恋的执着。


It' s heavy. It' s heavy, yeah. That' s not surprising. It is made of stone. Once reassembled, it will make up the most complete fossil tree ever unearthed in the UK, and one of the museum' s largest specimens. What sort of a wedge do we think we need under there, sandbags? Palaeontologist Paul Kennrick is in charge of reassembling this prehistoric jigsaw. I' ve never had to deal with anything and anywhere near this size. One of the astonishing things about this tree is it' s so complete because most of the time fossil wood is dug out in just a little bits and pieces, and people give up after digging out a small block. Does that look like a good fit? It' s not bad. The man who Paul has to thank for singlehandedly unearthing this entire tree is amateur fossil hunter, John Needham. You remember that every single piece. Yes, the whole lot yeah John discovered the tree while out walking with his daughter Izzie. He then spent two months excavating, cleaning and numbering each section. For John, getting every piece required dedication verging on obsession.
hěn zhòng a shì hěn zhòng dào bù qí guài zhè kě shì shí tou chóng xīn pīn hé hòu, tā jiāng chéng wéi yīng guó shǐ shàng chū tǔ zuì wán zhěng de shù mù huà shí, yě jiāng shì guǎn zhōng zuì dà biāo běn zhī yī. dǐ bù gāi yòng nǎ zhǒng xiē zǐ, shā dài ma? zhè gè shǐ qián pīn tú yóu gǔ shēng wù xué jiā bǎo luó kěn lǐ kè fù zé, wǒ cóng méi chǔ lǐ guò zhè me dà de huà shí. zhè kē shù de wán zhěng xìng lìng rén chēng qí. yīn wèi dà duō shí hòu, fā jué chū lái de mù huà shí dōu hěn líng suì, ér qiě wā chū yī xiǎo kuài hòu, rén men jiù huì fàng qì. zhè lǐ pīn dé shàng ma hái xíng bǎo luó yào gǎn xiè yuē hàn ní dá mǔ, yīn wèi zhè wèi yè yú huà shí shōu cáng jiā, dú zì wā chū le zhěng kē shù nǐ jì de měi yí kuài huà shí? shì de, quán bù dōu jì de. yuē hàn hé nǚ ér yī zī sàn bù shí, fā xiàn le zhè kē shù. rán hòu tā huā fèi liǎng yuè wā chū suǒ yǒu huà shí, yī yī qīng lǐ bìng biān hào. duì yú yuē hàn lái shuō, zhú kuài wā jué, xū yào jìn hū mí liàn de zhí zhuó.