
歌曲 挖掘过去38
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC生命博物馆


But rather a lumbering scavenger. This theory has polarised the world of palaeontology, and I must admit, it's severely dented the image I've held most dear since I was a small boy. So I'm heading to the bowels of the building to get to the bottom of the controversy. Hello, Paul. Hi, Mark. And the man I'm pinning my hopes on is palaeontologist Paul Barratt. He's promised me a rare glimpse of one of the museum's most important fossils. Ah. I've wanted to see this for years. Can I touch it? Yep, sure. This is the left lower jaw of an actual T Rex. This was found in 1900 in Wyoming, and actually it used to have a different name Dynamosaurus Imperiosus which I actually think is quite a good name. Later on it was realised that it's just another T Rex. Just another T Rex? That's outrageous. I'm sorry, I think the crown is starting to slip slightly from this animal now.
而是笨拙的食腐动物,这个观点已经颠覆了古生物学界。而我得承认,它也颠覆了我自小以来对霸王龙的崇拜。所以我要进入大楼,弄清这场论战的真相。 -你好 保罗 -你好 马克 我要请教的专家是古生物学家保罗·巴勒特。他答应带我参观博物馆中极少展出的一块最重要的化石,我一直想看这块化石。 -能摸摸它吗 -当然 这是霸王龙真身的左下颚,它1900年在美国怀俄明州出土。当时人们不知道它是霸王龙,而叫它"大力蜥蜴"。 我觉得这名字不错,不久人们发现,只是头霸王龙而已。 霸王龙"而已"吗?真过分 抱歉 其实现在,霸王龙的光环已经褪去了。


But rather a lumbering scavenger. This theory has polarised the world of palaeontology, and I must admit, it' s severely dented the image I' ve held most dear since I was a small boy. So I' m heading to the bowels of the building to get to the bottom of the controversy. Hello, Paul. Hi, Mark. And the man I' m pinning my hopes on is palaeontologist Paul Barratt. He' s promised me a rare glimpse of one of the museum' s most important fossils. Ah. I' ve wanted to see this for years. Can I touch it? Yep, sure. This is the left lower jaw of an actual T Rex. This was found in 1900 in Wyoming, and actually it used to have a different name Dynamosaurus Imperiosus which I actually think is quite a good name. Later on it was realised that it' s just another T Rex. Just another T Rex? That' s outrageous. I' m sorry, I think the crown is starting to slip slightly from this animal now.
ér shì bèn zhuō de shí fǔ dòng wù, zhè gè guān diǎn yǐ jīng diān fù le gǔ shēng wù xué jiè. ér wǒ dé chéng rèn, tā yě diān fù le wǒ zì xiǎo yǐ lái duì bà wáng lóng de chóng bài. suǒ yǐ wǒ yào jìn rù dà lóu, nòng qīng zhè chǎng lùn zhàn dí zhēn xiāng. nǐ hǎo bǎo luó nǐ hǎo mǎ kè wǒ yào qǐng jiào de zhuān jiā shì gǔ shēng wù xué jiā bǎo luó bā lēi tè. tā dā yìng dài wǒ cān guān bó wù guǎn zhōng jí shǎo zhǎn chū de yí kuài zuì zhòng yào de huà shí, wǒ yī zhí xiǎng kàn zhè kuài huà shí. néng mō mō tā ma dāng rán zhè shì bà wáng lóng zhēn shēn de zuǒ xià è, tā 1900 nián zài měi guó huái é míng zhōu chū tǔ. dāng shí rén men bù zhī dào tā shì bà wáng lóng, ér jiào tā" dà lì xī yì". wǒ jué de zhè míng zì bù cuò, bù jiǔ rén men fā xiàn, zhǐ shì tóu bà wáng lóng ér yǐ. bà wáng lóng" ér yǐ" ma? zhēn guò fèn bào qiàn qí shí xiàn zài, bà wáng lóng de guāng huán yǐ jīng tùn qù le.