
歌曲 挖掘过去46
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC生命博物馆


Amazing - hyena poo. I didn't think I was going to be looking at that on the beach in Norfolk. Over the past year, Chris has discovered artifacts at this site that, when pieced together, reveal that hyenas were about to become the very least of early man's problems. We've got a beautiful example of one of the fantastically preserved remains that we've got from here. This is a fir cone that was washed in this river system 700,000 or 800,000 years ago, and it's beautifully preserved. Can you see? The evidence here seems to suggest that the humans were living here at a time when it was actually, the interglacial was turning down. It was getting cooler, and we're beginning to get things like fir and pine trees, indicating the climate is cooling down. But the people are still here, so that's a very interesting part of the story.
太神奇了,鬣狗的粪便。 我从没想到在诺福克的海滩上还能找到这玩意。过去的一年里,克里斯在这里发现了许多人类痕迹,汇总分析后,我们发现,早期人类的难题中,鬣狗只是九牛一毛。这里挖掘出了一个保存完好的样本,很漂亮。 这是个冷杉球果,七八十万年前掉进了这条河,保存得非常完好,看到了吗? 这些证据表明人类当时生活的环境中,间冰期正逐渐过去,气温在慢慢降低。两次冰期之间,较为温暖的时期,冷杉和松树开始出现。预示着气候在慢慢变冷,但人类仍然存在,这是个有趣的现象。


Amazing hyena poo. I didn' t think I was going to be looking at that on the beach in Norfolk. Over the past year, Chris has discovered artifacts at this site that, when pieced together, reveal that hyenas were about to become the very least of early man' s problems. We' ve got a beautiful example of one of the fantastically preserved remains that we' ve got from here. This is a fir cone that was washed in this river system 700, 000 or 800, 000 years ago, and it' s beautifully preserved. Can you see? The evidence here seems to suggest that the humans were living here at a time when it was actually, the interglacial was turning down. It was getting cooler, and we' re beginning to get things like fir and pine trees, indicating the climate is cooling down. But the people are still here, so that' s a very interesting part of the story.
tài shén qí le, liè gǒu de fèn biàn. wǒ cóng méi xiǎng dào zài nuò fú kè de hǎi tān shàng hái néng zhǎo dào zhè wán yì. guò qù de yī nián lǐ, kè lǐ sī zài zhè lǐ fā xiàn le xǔ duō rén lèi hén jī, huì zǒng fēn xī hòu, wǒ men fā xiàn, zǎo qī rén lèi de nán tí zhōng, liè gǒu zhǐ shì jiǔ niú yī máo. zhè lǐ wā jué chū le yí gè bǎo cún wán hǎo de yàng běn, hěn piào liàng. zhè shì gè lěng shān qiú guǒ, qī bā shí wàn nián qián diào jìn le zhè tiáo hé, bǎo cún dé fēi cháng wán hǎo, kàn dào le ma? zhèi xiē zhèng jù biǎo míng rén lèi dāng shí shēng huó de huán jìng zhōng, jiān bīng qī zhèng zhú jiàn guò qù, qì wēn zài màn màn jiàng dī. liǎng cì bīng qī zhī jiān, jiào wéi wēn nuǎn de shí qī, lěng shān hé sōng shù kāi shǐ chū xiàn. yù shì zhe qì hòu zài màn màn biàn lěng, dàn rén lèi réng rán cún zài, zhè shì gè yǒu qù de xiàn xiàng.