
歌曲 昆虫力量17
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC生命博物馆


George believes Wallace needs a Rottweiler, to give him back the recognition he deserves. While Wallace and Darwin had their great idea presented to the world jointly, Darwin was present, while Wallace was on the other side of the world in Malaysia collecting insects. By the time Wallace returned, Darwin had published the idea in his own book, on The Origin of Species, rocketing him to international fame. I have a feeling actually that Darwin might have been a bit guilty about what happened in later years. And in later years when Wallace had fallen on very hard times, Darwin was instrumental in getting Wallace a government pension. He went to enormous trouble to actually petition Gladstone and got lots of signatories to get this pension, so that, you know, Wallace wouldn't have to live in poverty. So he had a conscience. Yep. But George has ensured that Wallace isn't completely absent from the museum. This is the rare region. He's successfully lobbied to get a piece of his hero's legacy into the collection.
乔治相信自己应当成为华莱士的警犬,帮他寻回应得的名声。当华莱士和达尔文伟大的想法,联名发表时达尔文在场,而华莱士却在世界另一端的马来西亚收集昆虫。待华莱士回来时,达尔文已将这一想法发表在自己的《物种起源》中,并迅速获为全世界所知。 我认为达尔文,可能对后来的事心怀愧疚,后来华莱士经济拮据。达尔文帮华莱士申请了政府补贴,他几经波折,向格莱斯顿首相请愿并请人联名情愿,才拿到这份补贴,让华莱士不受贫穷的困扰。 这么说他蛮有良心的 是的 而乔治确保了华莱士的痕迹不会湮没馆中,这是稀有资料室。他成功地通过申请,将心目中英雄的遗物列入收藏之中。


George believes Wallace needs a Rottweiler, to give him back the recognition he deserves. While Wallace and Darwin had their great idea presented to the world jointly, Darwin was present, while Wallace was on the other side of the world in Malaysia collecting insects. By the time Wallace returned, Darwin had published the idea in his own book, on The Origin of Species, rocketing him to international fame. I have a feeling actually that Darwin might have been a bit guilty about what happened in later years. And in later years when Wallace had fallen on very hard times, Darwin was instrumental in getting Wallace a government pension. He went to enormous trouble to actually petition Gladstone and got lots of signatories to get this pension, so that, you know, Wallace wouldn' t have to live in poverty. So he had a conscience. Yep. But George has ensured that Wallace isn' t completely absent from the museum. This is the rare region. He' s successfully lobbied to get a piece of his hero' s legacy into the collection.
qiáo zhì xiāng xìn zì jǐ yīng dàng chéng wèi huá lái shì de jǐng quǎn, bāng tā xún huí yìng dé de míng shēng. dāng huá lái shì hé dá ěr wén wěi dà de xiǎng fǎ, lián míng fā biǎo shí dá ěr wén zài chǎng, ér huá lái shì què zài shì jiè lìng yī duān dì mǎ lái xī yà shōu jí kūn chóng. dài huá lái shì huí lái shí, dá ěr wén yǐ jiāng zhè yī xiǎng fǎ fā biǎo zài zì jǐ de wù zhǒng qǐ yuán zhōng, bìng xùn sù huò wèi quán shì jiè suǒ zhī. wǒ rèn wéi dá ěr wén, kě néng duì hòu lái de shì xīn huái kuì jiù, hòu lái huá lái shì jīng jì jié jū. dá ěr wén bāng huá lái shì shēn qǐng le zhèng fǔ bǔ tiē, tā jǐ jīng bō zhé, xiàng gé lái sī dùn shǒu xiàng qǐng yuàn bìng qǐng rén lián míng qíng yuàn, cái ná dào zhè fèn bǔ tiē, ràng huá lái shì bù shòu pín qióng de kùn rǎo. zhè me shuō tā mán yǒu liáng xīn de shì de ér qiáo zhì què bǎo le huá lái shì de hén jī bú huì yān mò guǎn zhōng, zhè shì xī yǒu zī liào shì. tā chéng gōng dì tōng guò shēn qǐng, jiāng xīn mù zhōng yīng xióng de yí wù liè rù shōu cáng zhī zhōng.