
歌曲 昆虫力量18
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC生命博物馆


The Wallace family archive. How fantastic. Wow. Look at the colours, that's amazing. That's fantastic. If you want to see how passionate he was about collecting, have a look at this wonderful quote from his famous book The Malay Archipelago. Okay. This bit here? Yeah. "The beauty and brilliancy of this insect are indescribable. On taking it out of my net and opening the glorious wings. My heart began to beat violently. The blood rushed to my head, and I felt much more like fainting than I have done when in apprehension of immediate death. I had a headache the rest of the day. Wow, he was an enthusiast, wasn't he? He certainly was. That's fantastic. I actually have the specimen, the one described in that passage, here. Oh, really? Oh, let's have a look. So this is it. I did some research and found it in our main butterfly collection. And I believe you can actually see are there's fingerprints on the wings, and I.. You're kidding. Where it took it out of the net, presumably. Yep. Almost certainly. And this is the original one he's talking about when you write it in the book? Yes, yep. He sounds a bit melodramatic, but you can understand the excitement of being the first person to see one of this. Absolutely. Am I... Will you realise it's significance? I definitely would have had a headache if I'd discovered something like that.
我可以在这里呆上好些天。就是这了,华莱士的家族档案。 真奇妙。 看看这色彩,令人称奇。 太了不起了。如果想知道他对收藏多么着迷,看看他的著作《马来群岛》中,这一句话吧。 好的,是这里吗? 是的。这只昆虫的美与光泽难以言喻,将它从网中取出,展开它瑰丽的翅膀。我的心砰砰直跳,血液直冲我的大脑,让我几近晕厥。比面对死亡的激动更甚,一整天我都头疼不已。他确实狂,不是吗? -当然了 -真了不起,我实际上有段落中描述的这个样本。 真的吗?我们来看看吧。 我去查了一些资料,然后在我们的蝴蝶藏品中找到它。我相信你可以看见,翅膀上的这些指纹。 真的吗,是从网里取出来时,就是那时弄上去的。 就是他在书中提到的那只吗? 是的。听起来很夸张,不过你可以理解他的兴奋。 想到自己第一个发现了它 -的确,要是我发现了这个也会高兴得头痛。


The Wallace family archive. How fantastic. Wow. Look at the colours, that' s amazing. That' s fantastic. If you want to see how passionate he was about collecting, have a look at this wonderful quote from his famous book The Malay Archipelago. Okay. This bit here? Yeah. " The beauty and brilliancy of this insect are indescribable. On taking it out of my net and opening the glorious wings. My heart began to beat violently. The blood rushed to my head, and I felt much more like fainting than I have done when in apprehension of immediate death. I had a headache the rest of the day. Wow, he was an enthusiast, wasn' t he? He certainly was. That' s fantastic. I actually have the specimen, the one described in that passage, here. Oh, really? Oh, let' s have a look. So this is it. I did some research and found it in our main butterfly collection. And I believe you can actually see are there' s fingerprints on the wings, and I.. You' re kidding. Where it took it out of the net, presumably. Yep. Almost certainly. And this is the original one he' s talking about when you write it in the book? Yes, yep. He sounds a bit melodramatic, but you can understand the excitement of being the first person to see one of this. Absolutely. Am I... Will you realise it' s significance? I definitely would have had a headache if I' d discovered something like that.
wǒ kě yǐ zài zhè lǐ dāi shàng hǎo xiē tiān. jiù shì zhè le, huá lái shì de jiā zú dàng àn. zhēn qí miào. kàn kàn zhè sè cǎi, lìng rén chēng qí. tài liǎo bù qǐ le. rú guǒ xiǎng zhī dào tā duì shōu cáng duō me zháo mí, kàn kàn tā de zhù zuò mǎ lái qún dǎo zhōng, zhè yī jù huà ba. hǎo de, shì zhè lǐ ma? shì de. zhè zhǐ kūn chóng de měi yǔ guāng zé nán yǐ yán yù, jiāng tā cóng wǎng zhōng qǔ chū, zhǎn kāi tā guī lì de chì bǎng. wǒ de xīn pēng pēng zhí tiào, xuè yè zhí chōng wǒ de dà nǎo, ràng wǒ jī jìn yūn jué. bǐ miàn duì sǐ wáng de jī dòng gèng shén, yī zhěng tiān wǒ dū tóu téng bù yǐ. tā què shí kuáng, bú shì ma? dāng rán le zhēn liǎo bù qǐ, wǒ shí jì shang yǒu duàn luò zhōng miáo shù de zhè gè yàng běn. zhēn de ma? wǒ men lái kàn kàn ba. wǒ qù chá le yī xiē zī liào, rán hòu zài wǒ men de hú dié cáng pǐn zhōng zhǎo dào tā. wǒ xiāng xìn nǐ kě yǐ kàn jiàn, chì bǎng shàng de zhèi xiē zhǐ wén. zhēn de ma, shì cóng wǎng lǐ qǔ chū lái shí, jiù shì nà shí nòng shǎng qù de. jiù shì tā zài shū zhōng tí dào de nà zhǐ ma? shì de. tīng qǐ lái hěn kuā zhāng, bù guò nǐ kě yǐ lǐ jiě tā de xīng fèn. xiǎng dào zì jǐ dì yí gè fā xiàn le tā dí què, yào shì wǒ fā xiàn le zhè gè yě huì gāo xìng dé tóu tòng.