
歌曲 昆虫力量20
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC生命博物馆


There are many strange objects locked away in the museum stores. But this is one of the strangest. It's known as Darwin's Sphinx moth from Madagascar. Darwin didn't know anything about the moth to start with. He was working on pollination in orchids, and he was sent some orchid flowers, and among these was this Madagascan Star Orchid. The orchid had an extraordinarily long tube. Darwin deduced that the only creature in Madagascar that could pollinate this flower was a type of hawk moth. One with a tongue long enough to reach 30 centimetres down to the nectar. He knew of no example of a moth that had a long enough tongue to pollinate this. But he made a prediction that such a moth would one day be found.


There are many strange objects locked away in the museum stores. But this is one of the strangest. It' s known as Darwin' s Sphinx moth from Madagascar. Darwin didn' t know anything about the moth to start with. He was working on pollination in orchids, and he was sent some orchid flowers, and among these was this Madagascan Star Orchid. The orchid had an extraordinarily long tube. Darwin deduced that the only creature in Madagascar that could pollinate this flower was a type of hawk moth. One with a tongue long enough to reach 30 centimetres down to the nectar. He knew of no example of a moth that had a long enough tongue to pollinate this. But he made a prediction that such a moth would one day be found.
bó wù guǎn de chǔ cáng shì lǐ suǒ zhe xǔ xǔ duō duō qí guài shēng wù, dàn zhè zhǐ shì qí zhōng zhī qí. zhè gè mǎ dá jiā sī jiā guì kè bèi chēng wéi dá ěr wén zhī mí. dá ěr wén yī kāi shǐ duì é zi yī wú suǒ zhī, nà shí tā zài yán jiū lán huā shòu fěn, yǒu rén jì lái le yī xiē lán huā, qí zhōng jiù yǒu zhè zhǒng mǎ dá jiā sī jiā huì xīng lán. zhè zhǒng lán huā huā guān tè bié xì qiè zhǎng, dá ěr wén tuī duàn chū zài mǎ dá jiā sī jiā, zhǐ yǒu yī zhǒng yīng é néng wéi tā chuán fěn. tā 30 lí mǐ zhǎng de shé tou, kě yǐ shēn rù huā ruǐ dǐ bù. tā zhī qián cóng méi yǒu tīng shuō guò nǎ zhǒng é zi yǒu zhè me zhǎng de shé tou. dàn shì tā zhè yàng yù yán, zǒng yǒu yì tiān rén men huì fā xiàn zhè zhǒng é zi.