
歌曲 昆虫力量33
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC生命博物馆


She uses these huge fangs to inject neurotoxin venom into her prey, but I've been told not to worry, as her handler Jan Beccaloni assures me I'll be fine. Never held a tarantula in my life before, so okay. The key to this is no sudden movements. So what kind of signs should I look out for if she does become upset? If she were to rear back like that, with her fangs poised to strike, then you would know she's upset. Let's do it. Okay. Put your hands out flat on the table, and here you go. Hello, Sarah. Please don't bite me. There you go. Actually, her little legs feel really nice. Ironically, although people are more scared of these, these are the less harmful ones. Cool. I think I'm good with tarantulas. But I believe you've got more stuff to show me. Oh, yes.
她用这些巨大的尖牙,将神经毒素注入猎物体内,但是他们让我不要担心。它的主人珍·贝卡洛尼保证,我不会有事。我这辈子从没拿过狼蛛。 好的,关键就是动作不要太突然。如果她确实生气了,我该注意什么征兆呢? 如果她身体像这样后仰,呲牙准备攻击,就表明她怒了。 我们开始吧 好的,把手平摊在桌上,给你。 你好,莎拉。 求你不要咬我 好了 说实话,她的腿感觉还蛮舒服的。有趣的是,人们更害怕大蜘蛛。但它们却是最无害的。 酷,我大概可以应付狼蛛了,但你肯定还有宝贝要给我看。 当然


She uses these huge fangs to inject neurotoxin venom into her prey, but I' ve been told not to worry, as her handler Jan Beccaloni assures me I' ll be fine. Never held a tarantula in my life before, so okay. The key to this is no sudden movements. So what kind of signs should I look out for if she does become upset? If she were to rear back like that, with her fangs poised to strike, then you would know she' s upset. Let' s do it. Okay. Put your hands out flat on the table, and here you go. Hello, Sarah. Please don' t bite me. There you go. Actually, her little legs feel really nice. Ironically, although people are more scared of these, these are the less harmful ones. Cool. I think I' m good with tarantulas. But I believe you' ve got more stuff to show me. Oh, yes.
tā yòng zhèi xiē jù dà de jiān yá, jiāng shén jīng dú sù zhù rù liè wù tǐ nèi, dàn shì tā men ràng wǒ bú yào dān xīn. tā de zhǔ rén zhēn bèi kǎ luò ní bǎo zhèng, wǒ bú huì yǒu shì. wǒ zhè bèi zi cóng méi ná guò láng zhū. hǎo de, guān jiàn jiù shì dòng zuò bú yào tài tū rán. rú guǒ tā què shí shēng qì le, wǒ gāi zhù yì shén me zhēng zhào ne? rú guǒ tā shēn tǐ xiàng zhè yàng hòu yǎng, zī yá zhǔn bèi gōng jī, jiù biǎo míng tā nù le. wǒ men kāi shǐ ba hǎo de, bǎ shǒu píng tān zài zhuō shàng, gěi nǐ. nǐ hǎo, shā lā. qiú nǐ bú yào yǎo wǒ hǎo le shuō shí huà, tā de tuǐ gǎn jué hái mán shū fú de. yǒu qù de shì, rén men gèng hài pà dà zhī zhū. dàn tā men què shì zuì wú hài de. kù, wǒ dà gài kě yǐ yìng fù láng zhū le, dàn nǐ kěn dìng hái yǒu bǎo bèi yào gěi wǒ kàn. dāng rán