
歌曲 昆虫力量34
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC生命博物馆


My nemesis, the Madagascan hissing cockroach. When I was really young, I was wearing shorts, I was in Trinidad, and this big cockroach ran up my leg and ever since the scurrying and the fact that they can move fairly quickly freaks me out, I have to admit. They like to touch things. They like to feel pressure around their bodies, so that they all congregate together like that. There's a little cockroach convention going on there. Yeah yeah, I see the convention. Now, Jan is doing her best here, but I have to admit I'm not really listening. And it's protected. Oh, don't let it scurry. Ooh. Did you hear that. Oh, it didn't like that. Come back. Sorry about that. And that's why I don't like cockroaches. Oh, she doesn't like you. I tell you what, it proves the point - a learned experience like mine and mind over matter has just completely taken over. There may be one or two creepy-crawlies that will never win me over.
我的天,马达加斯加发声大蠊。我小时候在特立尼达拉岛,当时我穿着短裤,有一只大蟑螂爬到了我腿上。自此之后,一想到它们四处乱窜的样子。我就吓得要死,它们喜欢触碰东西,它们喜欢感觉身体周围的压力,它们喜欢像这样挤在一起。这边有个蟑螂小集会。 是的,我看到这集会了。 珍已经竭尽所能,但我得承认,我根本听不进去。 -它伤害不了你的 -不要让它乱窜 -你听到没 -哦 不该这样的 别跑,我失手而已啦。所以我不喜欢蟑螂嘛 哦,她不喜欢你哟。 听我说,这正好证明了一点。我自小习得对蟑螂的恐惧,这种看法已经根深蒂固了。有一两种爬行昆虫,我永远不会喜欢。


My nemesis, the Madagascan hissing cockroach. When I was really young, I was wearing shorts, I was in Trinidad, and this big cockroach ran up my leg and ever since the scurrying and the fact that they can move fairly quickly freaks me out, I have to admit. They like to touch things. They like to feel pressure around their bodies, so that they all congregate together like that. There' s a little cockroach convention going on there. Yeah yeah, I see the convention. Now, Jan is doing her best here, but I have to admit I' m not really listening. And it' s protected. Oh, don' t let it scurry. Ooh. Did you hear that. Oh, it didn' t like that. Come back. Sorry about that. And that' s why I don' t like cockroaches. Oh, she doesn' t like you. I tell you what, it proves the point a learned experience like mine and mind over matter has just completely taken over. There may be one or two creepycrawlies that will never win me over.
wǒ de tiān, mǎ dá jiā sī jiā fā shēng dà lián. wǒ xiǎo shí hòu zài tè lì ní dá lā dǎo, dāng shí wǒ chuān zhe duǎn kù, yǒu yì zhī dà zhāng láng pá dào le wǒ tuǐ shàng. zì cǐ zhī hòu, yī xiǎng dào tā men sì chù luàn cuàn de yàng zi. wǒ jiù xià de yào sǐ, tā men xǐ huān chù pèng dōng xī, tā men xǐ huān gǎn jué shēn tǐ zhōu wéi de yā lì, tā men xǐ huān xiàng zhè yàng jǐ zài yì qǐ. zhè biān yǒu gè zhāng láng xiǎo jí huì. shì de, wǒ kàn dào zhè jí huì le. zhēn yǐ jīng jié jìn suǒ néng, dàn wǒ dé chéng rèn, wǒ gēn běn tīng bù jìn qù. tā shāng hài bù liǎo nǐ de bú yào ràng tā luàn cuàn nǐ tīng dào méi ó bù gāi zhè yàng de bié pǎo, wǒ shī shǒu ér yǐ la. suǒ yǐ wǒ bù xǐ huān zhāng láng ma ó, tā bù xǐ huān nǐ yō. tīng wǒ shuō, zhè zhèng hǎo zhèng míng liǎo yì diǎn. wǒ zì xiǎo xí de duì zhāng láng de kǒng jù, zhè zhǒng kàn fǎ yǐ jīng gēn shēn dì gù le. yǒu yī liǎng zhǒng pá xíng kūn chóng, wǒ yǒng yuǎn bú huì xǐ huān.