
歌曲 昆虫力量45
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC生命博物馆


Here we go, all ready to go. We've got a lump of flesh here which they're feeding on at the moment. Oh, yeah, look at those. Can I grab one of those? Just pick one of those up. I mean, this guy here. I'm not sure about holding a flesh-eating beetle larvae. Look at that. Oh, if you feel asleep and fell in there that would be your lot, wouldn't it? The role of insects in decomposition has lead to a whole new science, and one which the museum has embraced. By looking at the development of maggots at a murder scene, scientists are able to say when death probably occurred. Forensic entomology, as it's called, is now a crucial weapon in the armoury of the police. The secrets of forensic entomology have largely been unravelled through work conducted not on humans, but on the pigs. Now that's changing, thanks to an extraordinary research facility in Tennessee. Museum scientist Amoret Whitaker has spent years studying dead pigs in order to understand the decaying process, but here she's able to work with real human remains.
我们开始吧,准备就绪。这里有块肉,是给他们吃的。 好吧,快看那些。 我能抓一只吗 抓一只吧?看这家伙,我不太想抓着一只食肉的幼虫。 快看,如果你犯困了,掉了进去,那就要命了,对吧? 研究腐解过程中昆虫的作用,已经发展成为了一门新兴科学。馆中人员已经着手研究,通过观察蛆在谋杀现场的生长状况。科学家可以大致确定死亡时间,这被称作法医昆虫学,它现在成为了刑侦有利工具,法医昆虫学快速发展。早期实验对象不是人类,而是猪,现在则能针对人类,克里斯·凡·特勒肯。这要归功于田纳西州完备的研究资源,博物馆科学家艾米瑞特·惠特克。穷数年之功研究猪的尸体,以了解腐解过程,但在这里,她能够研究人类遗骨。


Here we go, all ready to go. We' ve got a lump of flesh here which they' re feeding on at the moment. Oh, yeah, look at those. Can I grab one of those? Just pick one of those up. I mean, this guy here. I' m not sure about holding a flesheating beetle larvae. Look at that. Oh, if you feel asleep and fell in there that would be your lot, wouldn' t it? The role of insects in decomposition has lead to a whole new science, and one which the museum has embraced. By looking at the development of maggots at a murder scene, scientists are able to say when death probably occurred. Forensic entomology, as it' s called, is now a crucial weapon in the armoury of the police. The secrets of forensic entomology have largely been unravelled through work conducted not on humans, but on the pigs. Now that' s changing, thanks to an extraordinary research facility in Tennessee. Museum scientist Amoret Whitaker has spent years studying dead pigs in order to understand the decaying process, but here she' s able to work with real human remains.
wǒ men kāi shǐ ba, zhǔn bèi jiù xù. zhè lǐ yǒu kuài ròu, shì gěi tā men chī de. hǎo ba, kuài kàn nèi xiē. wǒ néng zhuā yì zhī ma zhuā yì zhī ba? kàn zhè jiā huo, wǒ bù tài xiǎng zhuā zhe yì zhī shí ròu de yòu chóng. kuài kàn, rú guǒ nǐ fàn kùn le, diào le jìn qù, nà jiù yào mìng le, duì ba? yán jiū fǔ jiě guò chéng zhōng kūn chóng de zuò yòng, yǐ jīng fā zhǎn chéng wéi le yī mén xīn xīng kē xué. guǎn zhōng rén yuán yǐ jīng zhuó shǒu yán jiū, tōng guò guān chá qū zài móu shā xiàn chǎng de shēng zhǎng zhuàng kuàng. kē xué jiā kě yǐ dà zhì què dìng sǐ wáng shí jiān, zhè bèi chēng zuò fǎ yī kūn chóng xué, tā xiàn zài chéng wéi le xíng zhēn yǒu lì gōng jù, fǎ yī kūn chóng xué kuài sù fā zhǎn. zǎo qī shí yàn duì xiàng bú shì rén lèi, ér shì zhū, xiàn zài zé néng zhēn duì rén lèi, kè lǐ sī fán tè lè kěn. zhè yào guī gōng yú tián nà xī zhōu wán bèi de yán jiū zī yuán, bó wù guǎn kē xué jiā ài mǐ ruì tè huì tè kè. qióng shù nián zhī gōng yán jiū zhū de shī tǐ, yǐ liǎo jiě fǔ jiě guò chéng, dàn zài zhè lǐ, tā néng gòu yán jiū rén lèi yí gǔ.