
歌曲 现代世界的博物馆15
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC生命博物馆


This is for me quite a nostalgic trip because this was one of the places I discovered when I explored the museum. So when you first came here as a youth. When you came here, when you first came here, was it your lunch break and you thought, "I'll nip off with the key and that?" Well, we didn't really have anybody keeping tabs on us, you know, if you suddenly thought you'd go for a bit of a wonder in the middle of the afternoon, nobody came and ticked you off. What did you think when you opened the door and you saw all of this? Well, I was completely amazed. Of course the golden rule, at least to my view is, as we've seen, is you don't throw anything away because you never know whether a new technique will come into existence which may find scientific use. "Perhaps that's the essence of a great collection, you don't throw anything away." As it used to take 25 minutes to get from one end of the building to the other. You've just opened a door and all of a sudden we're back in the museum. Yeah, the bit that everybody knows. Yeah. So this is the "other world". Not throwing things away does however mean that the collection is forever getting larger, so much so that these days the walls of the museum can no longer contain it.
对我来说,这算是怀旧之旅了。因为这里是我探索博物馆时发现的几处宝地之一。 -那么,你第一次来这里 -还很年轻 你第一次到这里来时,是不是某次午休,你就想"干脆偷偷用这钥匙四处看看"。 其实,根本没有人监督我们。就算你下午突然想到要出去散散步,没人会给你记上一过。当你打开门,看到此情此景,有何感想? 我简直惊呆了。当然,至少就我认为,最高指导原则就是不能抛弃任何一件藏品。因为未来是否会诞生一项新技术来开发其科学价值,你无从知晓。也许这便是伟大收藏家的要诀不能抛弃任何一件藏品。通常,需要25分钟才能从大楼一端走到另一端。你刚刚推开一扇门就把我们重新带回展馆中。 对,大家都这么说。我们又来到了"另一个世界"。然而,不能抛弃任何一件藏品意味着藏品数目日益膨胀。如今,博物馆已容纳不下如此多的收藏


This is for me quite a nostalgic trip because this was one of the places I discovered when I explored the museum. So when you first came here as a youth. When you came here, when you first came here, was it your lunch break and you thought, " I' ll nip off with the key and that?" Well, we didn' t really have anybody keeping tabs on us, you know, if you suddenly thought you' d go for a bit of a wonder in the middle of the afternoon, nobody came and ticked you off. What did you think when you opened the door and you saw all of this? Well, I was completely amazed. Of course the golden rule, at least to my view is, as we' ve seen, is you don' t throw anything away because you never know whether a new technique will come into existence which may find scientific use. " Perhaps that' s the essence of a great collection, you don' t throw anything away." As it used to take 25 minutes to get from one end of the building to the other. You' ve just opened a door and all of a sudden we' re back in the museum. Yeah, the bit that everybody knows. Yeah. So this is the " other world". Not throwing things away does however mean that the collection is forever getting larger, so much so that these days the walls of the museum can no longer contain it.
duì wǒ lái shuō, zhè suàn shì huái jiù zhī lǚ le. yīn wèi zhè lǐ shì wǒ tàn suǒ bó wù guǎn shí fā xiàn de jǐ chù bǎo dì zhī yī. nà me, nǐ dì yī cì lái zhè lǐ hái hěn nián qīng nǐ dì yī cì dào zhè lǐ lái shí, shì bú shì mǒu cì wǔ xiū, nǐ jiù xiǎng" gān cuì tōu tōu yòng zhè yào shi sì chù kàn kàn". qí shí, gēn běn méi yǒu rén jiān dū wǒ men. jiù suàn nǐ xià wǔ tū rán xiǎng dào yào chū qù sàn sàn bù, méi rén huì gěi nǐ jì shàng yī guò. dāng nǐ dǎ kāi mén, kàn dào cǐ qíng cǐ jǐng, yǒu hé gǎn xiǎng? wǒ jiǎn zhí jīng dāi le. dāng rán, zhì shǎo jiù wǒ rèn wéi, zuì gāo zhǐ dǎo yuán zé jiù shì bù néng pāo qì rèn hé yī jiàn cáng pǐn. yīn wèi wèi lái shì fǒu huì dàn shēng yī xiàng xīn jì shù lái kāi fā qí kē xué jià zhí, nǐ wú cóng zhī xiǎo. yě xǔ zhè biàn shì wěi dà shōu cáng jiā de yào jué bù néng pāo qì rèn hé yī jiàn cáng pǐn. tōng cháng, xū yào 25 fēn zhōng cái néng cóng dà lóu yī duān zǒu dào lìng yī duān. nǐ gāng gāng tuī kāi yī shàn mén jiù bǎ wǒ men chóng xīn dài huí zhǎn guǎn zhōng. duì, dà jiā dōu zhè me shuō. wǒ men yòu lái dào le" lìng yí gè shì jiè". rán ér, bù néng pāo qì rèn hé yī jiàn cáng pǐn yì wèi zhe cáng pǐn shù mù rì yì péng zhàng. rú jīn, bó wù guǎn yǐ róng nà bù xià rú cǐ duō de shōu cáng