
歌曲 现代世界的博物馆16
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC生命博物馆


Far from the busy museum, there's another place whose location is a secret. But those who do have access appreciate the value of the generations of people who've resisted the urge to throw things away. I'm Richard Sabin, and I'm Curator of Mammals in the Dept of Zoology. My first reaction to the collections was just awe. We have around about 860,000 specimens in the mammal collection. The thing that really did make me stop and catch my breath is an animal in this collection that I'd seen as a child at the London Zoo, and that's Guy the Gorilla. I remember pulling back a curtain and there was Guy. I recognised him straightaway.
喧嚣的博物馆外,还隐匿着一个秘密基地。不抛弃任何藏品的原则,由一代代人坚持着,这里的员工都秉承着他们的价值观。 我叫理查德·萨宾,是动物馆哺乳动物高级主管。面对这些藏品。我的第一反应是敬畏。我们共有大约86万件哺乳动物标本。众多藏品中,真正令我屏息的标本是儿时在伦敦动物园见过的。大猩猩盖伊,我记得一拉开帘子,看到的竟是盖伊,我一眼就认出它来了。


Far from the busy museum, there' s another place whose location is a secret. But those who do have access appreciate the value of the generations of people who' ve resisted the urge to throw things away. I' m Richard Sabin, and I' m Curator of Mammals in the Dept of Zoology. My first reaction to the collections was just awe. We have around about 860, 000 specimens in the mammal collection. The thing that really did make me stop and catch my breath is an animal in this collection that I' d seen as a child at the London Zoo, and that' s Guy the Gorilla. I remember pulling back a curtain and there was Guy. I recognised him straightaway.
xuān xiāo de bó wù guǎn wài, hái yǐn nì zhe yí gè mì mì jī dì. bù pāo qì rèn hé cáng pǐn de yuán zé, yóu yī dài dài rén jiān chí zhe, zhè lǐ de yuán gōng dōu bǐng chéng zhe tā men de jià zhí guān. wǒ jiào lǐ chá dé sà bīn, shì dòng wù guǎn bǔ rǔ dòng wù gāo jí zhǔ guǎn. miàn duì zhèi xiē cáng pǐn. wǒ de dì yī fǎn yìng shì jìng wèi. wǒ men gòng yǒu dà yuē 86 wàn jiàn bǔ rǔ dòng wù biāo běn. zhòng duō cáng pǐn zhōng, zhēn zhèng lìng wǒ bǐng xī de biāo běn shì ér shí zài lún dūn dòng wù yuán jiàn guò de. dà xīng xīng gài yī, wǒ jì de yī lā kāi lián zi, kàn dào de jìng shì gài yī, wǒ yī yǎn jiù rèn chū tā lái le.