
歌曲 生物无巨细12
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC生命博物馆


Look at that. So you can see. And we were really quite excited when we found this. Cast ashore in dying condition, Darwin Harbour, Falkland Islands, and 28th May 1908. And skinned and sent home by. And then this signature is sort of slightly missing. Yeah. But you can make out the "A", and the "Cob". So we went back through our archives and we were looking for natural history records from the Falkland Islands from this period. We found this guy Cobb. He was a naturalist on the Falkland Islands. He produced this book, The Natural History Of The Falkland Islands. Wow, look at that. In this book we've got this image of the elephant seal. So, that is the seal that we're seeing right here. This specimen, yeah, description goes on to say that the seal was washed ashore in dying condition. Schoolchildren were frightened by it, as you would been. It was towed across the harbour. It was skinned by a Russian Finn. It took him two weeks to skin this specimen and he was paid in whisky. You may have paid a bottle of whisky for his work. So you would have to be because it probably smelt so bad. I would have thought, yeah. It's very down a bottle and then get on with it. That is incredible. So he's paid in whisky. So I mean, what a great piece of detective work. And to re-find something like that was really special.
-看看这个 -你可以看到。发现它时我们都很兴奋,写着"发现于岸上 濒死,福克兰群岛 达尔文港 1908年5月28日" "剥皮及送还者是...“这个签名缺了一小块 是啊 但是能看到一个"A"还有"科",于是我们重新翻阅档案查找那个年代福克兰群岛的自然历史记录。我们发现了这个人,科布。他是福克兰群岛的一位博物学家,他写了这本书。福克兰群岛的自然历史, 我来看看。 在这本书里我们找到了海象的图片,这就是我们现在正看着的海象。 对,就是这个标本。描述称海象被冲到岸上,奄奄一息,它吓到了小孩子,确实挺吓人。人们将它运出港口,由一位俄罗斯籍芬兰人剥皮,他花了两周给这个样本剥皮,而他的报酬就是威士忌。他工作的报酬是一瓶威士忌,确实需要酒,它多半挺臭的。 我也这么想,喝下一瓶酒然后接着剥皮。 真不可思议,报酬竟然是威士忌。 你们这段侦探真神奇。 重新发现这样的事物,确实很特别。


Look at that. So you can see. And we were really quite excited when we found this. Cast ashore in dying condition, Darwin Harbour, Falkland Islands, and 28th May 1908. And skinned and sent home by. And then this signature is sort of slightly missing. Yeah. But you can make out the " A", and the " Cob". So we went back through our archives and we were looking for natural history records from the Falkland Islands from this period. We found this guy Cobb. He was a naturalist on the Falkland Islands. He produced this book, The Natural History Of The Falkland Islands. Wow, look at that. In this book we' ve got this image of the elephant seal. So, that is the seal that we' re seeing right here. This specimen, yeah, description goes on to say that the seal was washed ashore in dying condition. Schoolchildren were frightened by it, as you would been. It was towed across the harbour. It was skinned by a Russian Finn. It took him two weeks to skin this specimen and he was paid in whisky. You may have paid a bottle of whisky for his work. So you would have to be because it probably smelt so bad. I would have thought, yeah. It' s very down a bottle and then get on with it. That is incredible. So he' s paid in whisky. So I mean, what a great piece of detective work. And to refind something like that was really special.
kàn kàn zhè gè nǐ kě yǐ kàn dào. fā xiàn tā shí wǒ men dōu hěn xīng fèn, xiě zhe" fā xiàn yú àn shàng bīn sǐ, fú kè lán qún dǎo dá ěr wén gǎng 1908 nián 5 yuè 28 rì" " bāo pí jí sòng hái zhě shì..." zhè gè qiān míng quē le yī xiǎo kuài shì a dàn shì néng kàn dào yí gè" A" hái yǒu" kē", yú shì wǒ men chóng xīn fān yuè dàng àn chá zhǎo nà gè nián dài fú kè lán qún dǎo de zì rán lì shǐ jì lù. wǒ men fā xiàn le zhè gè rén, kē bù. tā shì fú kè lán qún dǎo de yī wèi bó wù xué jiā, tā xiě le zhè běn shū. fú kè lán qún dǎo de zì rán lì shǐ, wǒ lái kàn kàn. zài zhè běn shū lǐ wǒ men zhǎo dào le hǎi xiàng de tú piàn, zhè jiù shì wǒ men xiàn zài zhèng kàn zhe de hǎi xiàng. duì, jiù shì zhè gè biāo běn. miáo shù chēng hǎi xiàng bèi chōng dào àn shàng, yǎn yǎn yī xī, tā xià dào le xiǎo hái zi, què shí tǐng xià rén. rén men jiāng tā yùn chū gǎng kǒu, yóu yī wèi é luó sī jí fēn lán rén bāo pí, tā huā le liǎng zhōu gěi zhè gè yàng běn bāo pí, ér tā de bào chóu jiù shì wēi shì jì. tā gōng zuò de bào chóu shì yī píng wēi shì jì, què shí xū yào jiǔ, tā duō bàn tǐng chòu de. wǒ yě zhè me xiǎng, hē xià yī píng jiǔ rán hòu jiē zhe bāo pí. zhēn bù kě sī yì, bào chóu jìng rán shì wēi shì jì. nǐ men zhè duàn zhēn tàn zhēn shén qí. chóng xīn fā xiàn zhè yàng de shì wù, què shí hěn tè bié.