Displaying vast and outlandish creatures has always been a draw for the Natural History Museum. In 1937, the museum embarked on one of the most ambitious projects it had ever undertaken. Desiring an exhibit that would both astound and educate, construction began on a model of the largest animal that has ever lived - the blue whale. It really was a huge, huge feat. The amount of resources, manpower and everything else that went into the model just before the start of the World War II, I think. If they'd left it any later, possibly the model would never have been constructed. The mammoth task of creating a 90-foot whale had fallen to the museum's chief model maker, Percy Stammwitz. Using photographs and scientific records, Percy and his team toiled for 18 months, building the model in situ in the newly-opened Whale Hall. Constructed on a wooden sub-frame, covered in wire mesh and expertly sculpted in plaster of Paris, the finished model weighed in at over six tonnes. | |
陈列的大量奇异生物,一直都是自然历史博物馆魅力所在。1937年博物馆展出了史上最为雄心勃勃的项目,馆方希望展品既震撼又有启发性。于是他们开始制造史上最大动物的模型——蓝鲸模型。 这个工程量耗费巨大,建造模型的资源 人力以及其他,刚好在二战之前开始投入。如果再稍有拖延,可能这个模型就造不出来了。建造90英尺鲸鱼模型的艰巨任务,落到了博物馆首席模型制作者,珀西·斯丹伍兹的肩上。通过图片和科学记录,珀西和他的团队艰苦工作了一年半,在新开放的鲸鱼馆就地建造了模型,成品模型建造在木质基架上被金属丝网所覆盖,并用熟石膏进行精心塑形,其重量超过6公吨。 |
Displaying vast and outlandish creatures has always been a draw for the Natural History Museum. In 1937, the museum embarked on one of the most ambitious projects it had ever undertaken. Desiring an exhibit that would both astound and educate, construction began on a model of the largest animal that has ever lived the blue whale. It really was a huge, huge feat. The amount of resources, manpower and everything else that went into the model just before the start of the World War II, I think. If they' d left it any later, possibly the model would never have been constructed. The mammoth task of creating a 90foot whale had fallen to the museum' s chief model maker, Percy Stammwitz. Using photographs and scientific records, Percy and his team toiled for 18 months, building the model in situ in the newlyopened Whale Hall. Constructed on a wooden subframe, covered in wire mesh and expertly sculpted in plaster of Paris, the finished model weighed in at over six tonnes. | |
chen lie de da liang qi yi sheng wu, yi zhi dou shi zi ran li shi bo wu guan mei li suo zai. 1937 nian bo wu guan zhan chu le shi shang zui wei xiong xin bo bo de xiang mu, guan fang xi wang zhan pin ji zhen han you you qi fa xing. yu shi ta men kai shi zhi zao shi shang zui da dong wu de mo xing lan jing mo xing. zhe ge gong cheng liang hao fei ju da, jian zao mo xing de zi yuan ren li yi ji qi ta, gang hao zai er zhan zhi qian kai shi tou ru. ru guo zai shao you tuo yan, ke neng zhe ge mo xing jiu zao bu chu lai le. jian zao 90 ying chi jing yu mo xing de jian ju ren wu, luo dao le bo wu guan shou xi mo xing zhi zuo zhe, po xi si dan wu zi de jian shang. tong guo tu pian he ke xue ji lu, po xi he ta de tuan dui jian ku gong zuo le yi nian ban, zai xin kai fang de jing yu guan jiu di jian zao le mo xing, cheng pin mo xing jian zao zai mu zhi ji jia shang bei jin shu si wang suo fu gai, bing yong shu shi gao jin xing jing xin su xing, qi zhong liang chao guo 6 gong dun. |
Displaying vast and outlandish creatures has always been a draw for the Natural History Museum. In 1937, the museum embarked on one of the most ambitious projects it had ever undertaken. Desiring an exhibit that would both astound and educate, construction began on a model of the largest animal that has ever lived the blue whale. It really was a huge, huge feat. The amount of resources, manpower and everything else that went into the model just before the start of the World War II, I think. If they' d left it any later, possibly the model would never have been constructed. The mammoth task of creating a 90foot whale had fallen to the museum' s chief model maker, Percy Stammwitz. Using photographs and scientific records, Percy and his team toiled for 18 months, building the model in situ in the newlyopened Whale Hall. Constructed on a wooden subframe, covered in wire mesh and expertly sculpted in plaster of Paris, the finished model weighed in at over six tonnes. | |
chén liè de dà liàng qí yì shēng wù, yī zhí dōu shì zì rán lì shǐ bó wù guǎn mèi lì suǒ zài. 1937 nián bó wù guǎn zhǎn chū le shǐ shàng zuì wéi xióng xīn bó bó de xiàng mù, guǎn fāng xī wàng zhǎn pǐn jì zhèn hàn yòu yǒu qǐ fā xìng. yú shì tā men kāi shǐ zhì zào shǐ shàng zuì dà dòng wù de mó xíng lán jīng mó xíng. zhè gè gōng chéng liàng hào fèi jù dà, jiàn zào mó xíng de zī yuán rén lì yǐ jí qí tā, gāng hǎo zài èr zhàn zhī qián kāi shǐ tóu rù. rú guǒ zài shāo yǒu tuō yán, kě néng zhè gè mó xíng jiù zào bù chū lái le. jiàn zào 90 yīng chǐ jīng yú mó xíng de jiān jù rèn wù, luò dào le bó wù guǎn shǒu xí mó xíng zhì zuò zhě, pò xī sī dān wǔ zī de jiān shàng. tōng guò tú piàn hé kē xué jì lù, pò xī hé tā de tuán duì jiān kǔ gōng zuò le yī nián bàn, zài xīn kāi fàng de jīng yú guǎn jiù dì jiàn zào le mó xíng, chéng pǐn mó xíng jiàn zào zài mù zhì jī jià shàng bèi jīn shǔ sī wǎng suǒ fù gài, bìng yòng shú shí gāo jìn xíng jīng xīn sù xíng, qí zhòng liàng chāo guò 6 gōng dūn. |