
歌曲 生物无巨细16
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC生命博物馆


This image of the dodo is now fixed in the popular imagination. Even though it's extinct, it's an image that's as well-known as any animal alive today. Julian Hume, a research associate at the Natural History Museum and reconstructive artist, spends his days painting extinct animals and bringing them back to life. Julian, hello, may I disturb you for a second? Very nice to meet you, how you doing? Very well. Oh, sketching away, I see. Yes, I'm drawing the head of probably the most famous painting about of probably the most famous bird in the world as well. That, of course, is the dodo. See, to me, that is the quintessential image of the dodo. I'm sure, for most people, slightly goofy, a bit comedy. Julian has been looking through the museum archives and has discovered that the image of the bird we all recognise today dates back to the earliest dodo artwork.
渡渡鸟的形象已经深入人心,虽然它已经灭绝,但它的知名度不逊于现存生物。 朱利安·休谟,自然历史博物馆的助理研究员兼修复家,致力于绘画已灭绝的动物,并重现它们的模样。 你好 能打扰一下吗? 很高兴见到你,你好吗? -我很好 -你在画草图 是的,我在摹画鸟头。这幅画作是描绘世界上最著名的鸟类——渡渡鸟。 我印象中,渡渡鸟就是这幅模样,多数人会觉得它有些滑稽。 朱利安查阅了博物馆档案,发现如今认可的渡渡鸟形象,可以追溯至早期的艺术作品。


This image of the dodo is now fixed in the popular imagination. Even though it' s extinct, it' s an image that' s as wellknown as any animal alive today. Julian Hume, a research associate at the Natural History Museum and reconstructive artist, spends his days painting extinct animals and bringing them back to life. Julian, hello, may I disturb you for a second? Very nice to meet you, how you doing? Very well. Oh, sketching away, I see. Yes, I' m drawing the head of probably the most famous painting about of probably the most famous bird in the world as well. That, of course, is the dodo. See, to me, that is the quintessential image of the dodo. I' m sure, for most people, slightly goofy, a bit comedy. Julian has been looking through the museum archives and has discovered that the image of the bird we all recognise today dates back to the earliest dodo artwork.
dù dù niǎo de xíng xiàng yǐ jīng shēn rù rén xīn, suī rán tā yǐ jīng miè jué, dàn tā de zhī míng dù bù xùn yú xiàn cún shēng wù. zhū lì ān xiū mó, zì rán lì shǐ bó wù guǎn de zhù lǐ yán jiū yuán jiān xiū fù jiā, zhì lì yú huì huà yǐ miè jué de dòng wù, bìng chóng xiàn tā men de mú yàng. nǐ hǎo néng dǎ rǎo yī xià ma? hěn gāo xìng jiàn dào nǐ, nǐ hǎo ma? wǒ hěn hǎo nǐ zài huà cǎo tú shì de, wǒ zài mó huà niǎo tóu. zhè fú huà zuò shì miáo huì shì jiè shang zuì zhù míng de niǎo lèi dù dù niǎo. wǒ yìn xiàng zhōng, dù dù niǎo jiù shì zhè fú mú yàng, duō shù rén huì jué de tā yǒu xiē huá jī. zhū lì ān chá yuè le bó wù guǎn dàng àn, fā xiàn rú jīn rèn kě de dù dù niǎo xíng xiàng, kě yǐ zhuī sù zhì zǎo qī de yì shù zuò pǐn.