
歌曲 生物无巨细17
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC生命博物馆


Ah, right. Gosh, some of these are hilarious actually. How old are these? These images here were all done when the dodo was alive. This one around 1600, 1601. He looks ridiculous. That was the first time the dodo was ever portrayed. That is it. That is amazing. It's amazing. Huge, look at this, compared to this one. This looks like a plucked vulture. and then this looks very comedy. Why were they so different? Well, it's a combination of bad art. But also they relied entirely on accounts of mariners who'd actually been there. These were artists that were trying to put together these pictures from these other people's accounts. Even the greatest scientific minds were misled by the early paintings. Richard Owen, the founder of the Natural History Museum, was determined to get a dodo skeleton and piece it together in a lifelike pose.
是了,他们有些样子真逗。 这些画有多少年历史了,它们全都创作于渡渡鸟存活的时期。这个大概在1600到1601年间,他看上去真逗。渡渡鸟第一次出现在画作上,就是在这 -太神奇了。 看这个,和这个一比较,这就像是被拔掉毛的秃鹰。而这个看上去非常滑稽,怎么区别如此之大? 他们画技不佳,而且是根据水手的描述作画的。艺术家们是根据别人的描述,进行创作。 即使是最伟大的科学家,也受到早期画作的误导。理查德·欧文,自然史博物馆的创立者,决定建造渡渡鸟骨架,从而还原出它的真实样貌。


Ah, right. Gosh, some of these are hilarious actually. How old are these? These images here were all done when the dodo was alive. This one around 1600, 1601. He looks ridiculous. That was the first time the dodo was ever portrayed. That is it. That is amazing. It' s amazing. Huge, look at this, compared to this one. This looks like a plucked vulture. and then this looks very comedy. Why were they so different? Well, it' s a combination of bad art. But also they relied entirely on accounts of mariners who' d actually been there. These were artists that were trying to put together these pictures from these other people' s accounts. Even the greatest scientific minds were misled by the early paintings. Richard Owen, the founder of the Natural History Museum, was determined to get a dodo skeleton and piece it together in a lifelike pose.
shì le, tā men yǒu xiē yàng zǐ zhēn dòu. zhèi xiē huà yǒu duō shào nián lì shǐ le, tā men quán dōu chuàng zuò yú dù dù niǎo cún huó de shí qī. zhè gè dà gài zài 1600 dào 1601 nián jiān, tā kàn shang qu zhēn dòu. dù dù niǎo dì yī cì chū xiàn zài huà zuò shàng, jiù shì zài zhè tài shén qí le. kàn zhè gè, hé zhè gè yī bǐ jiào, zhè jiù xiàng shì bèi bá diào máo de tū yīng. ér zhè gè kàn shang qu fēi cháng huá jī, zěn me qū bié rú cǐ zhī dà? tā men huà jì bù jiā, ér qiě shì gēn jù shuǐ shǒu de miáo shù zuò huà de. yì shù jiā men shì gēn jù bié rén de miáo shù, jìn xíng chuàng zuò. jí shǐ shì zuì wěi dà de kē xué jiā, yě shòu dào zǎo qī huà zuò de wù dǎo. lǐ chá dé ōu wén, zì rán shǐ bó wù guǎn de chuàng lì zhě, jué dìng jiàn zào dù dù niǎo gǔ jià, cóng ér huán yuán chū tā dí zhēn shí yàng mào.