
歌曲 生物无巨细19
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC生命博物馆


Julian's pictures could be the first glimpse for 400 years of what the dodo actually looked like. The dodo may be forever associated with extinction, but it's certainly not the first to disappear forever. 13,000 years ago, retreating ice and the spread of ever hungry people saw the beginning of a major extinction event that engulfed thousands of species and continues today. The first animals to be targeted were the megafauna, huge, almost fantastical creatures. And when, in recent history, the fossils of megafauna began to emerge, people were as intrigued as they were confused. Do you know what it is? Dinosaur? No, it's not a dinosaur. Yeah, is this a dinosaur? Giant lizard kind of thing. I think he's a meat-eater. T-Rex? T-Rex? Big koala.
朱利安的绘画也许能让我们400年来首次瞥见渡渡鸟的真实样貌。渡渡鸟也许不复存在,但它绝不是第一个消失的物种,1万3千年前,消融的冰川和贪婪的人类迎来了一次生物大灭绝,它席卷上千物种,影响至今依然存在。首当其冲的就是那些珍奇的巨型动物,在近代历史上,巨型动物群的化石被一一发现。人们欢欣鼓舞,但困惑也随之而来。 -你知道它是什么吗 -恐龙 不,不是恐龙。 这是恐龙吗? 巨蜥之类的 我觉得他是食肉动物 -霸王龙 -霸王龙 巨型考


Julian' s pictures could be the first glimpse for 400 years of what the dodo actually looked like. The dodo may be forever associated with extinction, but it' s certainly not the first to disappear forever. 13, 000 years ago, retreating ice and the spread of ever hungry people saw the beginning of a major extinction event that engulfed thousands of species and continues today. The first animals to be targeted were the megafauna, huge, almost fantastical creatures. And when, in recent history, the fossils of megafauna began to emerge, people were as intrigued as they were confused. Do you know what it is? Dinosaur? No, it' s not a dinosaur. Yeah, is this a dinosaur? Giant lizard kind of thing. I think he' s a meateater. TRex? TRex? Big koala.
zhū lì ān de huì huà yě xǔ néng ràng wǒ men 400 nián lái shǒu cì piē jiàn dù dù niǎo dí zhēn shí yàng mào. dù dù niǎo yě xǔ bù fù cún zài, dàn tā jué bú shì dì yí gè xiāo shī de wù zhǒng, 1 wàn 3 qiān nián qián, xiāo róng de bīng chuān hé tān lán de rén lèi yíng lái le yī cì shēng wù dà miè jué, tā xí juǎn shàng qiān wù zhǒng, yǐng xiǎng zhì jīn yī rán cún zài. shǒu dāng qí chōng de jiù shì nèi xiē zhēn qí de jù xíng dòng wù, zài jìn dài lì shǐ shàng, jù xíng dòng wù qún de huà shí bèi yī yī fà xiàn. rén men huān xīn gǔ wǔ, dàn kùn huò yě suí zhī ér lái. nǐ zhī dào tā shì shén me ma kǒng lóng bù, bú shì kǒng lóng. zhè shì kǒng lóng ma? jù xī zhī lèi de wǒ jué de tā shì shí ròu dòng wù bà wáng lóng bà wáng lóng jù xíng kǎo