
歌曲 生物无巨细27
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC生命博物馆


These two specimens here look almost identical to these specimens alongside here. Yeah, yeah that's really clear. Now these specimens were not collected by Meinertzhagen at all. They were actually collected by someone called Richard Badelesha in the 1880s in Middlesex. So a long time before Meinertzhagen. Long time before, in a completely different place. In southern Britain, rather than in France. Wow. So you think that Meinertzhagen was actually taking old samples, old specimens and putting them in his collection and presenting them as his own. Yes, we are confident that this was going on. And these weren't just any old specimens. They were birds stolen from the museum's very own collections. Now Robert's investigation has revealed the full extent of Meinertzhagen's ornithological trickery. This faked label says that Meinertzhagen found one of only three Grey's grasshopper birds ever to be recorded in western Europe. In fact, it was from its native Manchuria 5,000 miles away.
这两个标本,和这边的几个标本几乎一模一样。 是的 是很明显 这些根本不是由迈纳茨哈根收集的 这些是由理查德·布得莱肖收集于 19世纪80年代的米德尔塞克斯,早于迈纳茨哈根很久。 是很久,而且在全然不同的地方,在英国的北部而非法国。 你认为迈纳茨哈根实际是收集古老的标本作为自己的收藏,并以自己的名义展出? 是的,我们对此非常肯定。这些并不仅仅是一般的古老的标本,这些正是博物馆被盗的标本。 罗伯特的调查全面揭露了迈纳茨哈根的谎言,这个伪造的标签写道苍眉蝗莺 法国 阿申特岛 1933年9月17日。迈纳茨哈根发现了这只苍眉蝗莺,而它是西欧记载入册三只中的一只。但实际上,它是来自其栖息地,距此五千公里的满洲[中国东北旧称]。他声称在缅甸发现了很罕见的斑头大翠鸟斑头。


These two specimens here look almost identical to these specimens alongside here. Yeah, yeah that' s really clear. Now these specimens were not collected by Meinertzhagen at all. They were actually collected by someone called Richard Badelesha in the 1880s in Middlesex. So a long time before Meinertzhagen. Long time before, in a completely different place. In southern Britain, rather than in France. Wow. So you think that Meinertzhagen was actually taking old samples, old specimens and putting them in his collection and presenting them as his own. Yes, we are confident that this was going on. And these weren' t just any old specimens. They were birds stolen from the museum' s very own collections. Now Robert' s investigation has revealed the full extent of Meinertzhagen' s ornithological trickery. This faked label says that Meinertzhagen found one of only three Grey' s grasshopper birds ever to be recorded in western Europe. In fact, it was from its native Manchuria 5, 000 miles away.
zhè liǎng gè biāo běn, hé zhè biān de jǐ gè biāo běn jī hū yī mú yī yàng. shì de shì hěn míng xiǎn zhèi xiē gēn běn bú shì yóu mài nà cí hā gēn shōu jí de zhèi xiē shì yóu lǐ chá dé bù dé lái xiào shōu jí yú 19 shì jì 80 nián dài de mǐ dé ěr sāi kè sī, zǎo yú mài nà cí hā gēn hěn jiǔ. shì hěn jiǔ, ér qiě zài quán rán bù tóng de dì fāng, zài yīng guó de běi bù ér fēi fǎ guó. nǐ rèn wéi mài nà cí hā gēn shí jì shì shōu jí gǔ lǎo de biāo běn zuò wéi zì jǐ de shōu cáng, bìng yǐ zì jǐ de míng yì zhǎn chū? shì de, wǒ men duì cǐ fēi cháng kěn dìng. zhèi xiē bìng bù jǐn jǐn shì yì bān de gǔ lǎo de biāo běn, zhèi xiē zhèng shì bó wù guǎn bèi dào de biāo běn. luó bó tè de diào chá quán miàn jiē lù le mài nà cí hā gēn de huǎng yán, zhè gè wěi zào de biāo qiān xiě dào cāng méi huáng yīng fǎ guó ā shēn tè dǎo 1933 nián 9 yuè 17 rì. mài nà cí hā gēn fā xiàn le zhè zhǐ cāng méi huáng yīng, ér tā shì xī ōu jì zǎi rù cè sān zhǐ zhōng de yì zhī. dàn shí jì shang, tā shì lái zì qí qī xī dì, jù cǐ wǔ qiān gōng lǐ de mǎn zhōu zhōng guó dōng běi jiù chēng. tā shēng chēng zài miǎn diàn fā xiàn le hěn hǎn jiàn de bān tóu dà cuì niǎo bān tóu.