
歌曲 生物无巨细28
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC生命博物馆


He found the scarcely known Blyth's Kingfisher in Burma, he claimed. This magpie is one that Meinertzhagen stole from the museum and re-labelled as one of his own. And he's even made up a little story about how he collected it. He's written on the label, "On a yak, one of a pair." And to me, this conjures up an image of him sort of in Himalayas raising his gun to shoot this, this small bird off the back of a moving object. So he's a dead shot with a gun. It's fantastically glamorous and completely untrue. Meinertzhagen disguised the true origins of countless specimens. It's now believed that up to a third of his collections are hoaxes. This leaves, of course, a very large proportion of the Meinertzhagen collection which is almost certainly entirely genuine. The difficulty with Meinertzhagen is detecting the good from the bad, not throwing out the baby with the bathwater.


He found the scarcely known Blyth' s Kingfisher in Burma, he claimed. This magpie is one that Meinertzhagen stole from the museum and relabelled as one of his own. And he' s even made up a little story about how he collected it. He' s written on the label, " On a yak, one of a pair." And to me, this conjures up an image of him sort of in Himalayas raising his gun to shoot this, this small bird off the back of a moving object. So he' s a dead shot with a gun. It' s fantastically glamorous and completely untrue. Meinertzhagen disguised the true origins of countless specimens. It' s now believed that up to a third of his collections are hoaxes. This leaves, of course, a very large proportion of the Meinertzhagen collection which is almost certainly entirely genuine. The difficulty with Meinertzhagen is detecting the good from the bad, not throwing out the baby with the bathwater.
zhè zhǐ xǐ què yě shì mài nà cí hā gēn, cóng bó wù guǎn tōu qǔ hòu tiē shàng zì jǐ biāo qiān de. tā shèn zhì hái niē zào le shōu jí gāi biāo běn de xiǎo gù shì, tā zài biāo qiān shàng xiě dào," qī yú yī tóu máo niú shàng yī duì zhōng de yì zhī". yóu cǐ wǒ xiǎng xiàng chū zhè yàng yí gè chǎng jǐng, zài xǐ mǎ lā yǎ shān shàng, tā jǔ qiāng shè jī. zhè zhǐ qī xī zài bēn pǎo de máo niú bèi shàng de xiǎo niǎo, tā hái zhēn shì gè shén qiāng shǒu a. zhè tài fù chuán qí sè cǎi le, dàn shì quán rán bù kě néng, mài nà cí hā gēn yǎn gài le, bù jì qí shù biāo běn dí zhēn zhèng qǐ yuán. rú jīn wǒ men xiāng xìn tā sān fēn zhī yī yǐ shàng de shōu cáng pǐn jūn wèi jiǎ zào. dāng rán, pái chú wěi zào biāo běn hòu, mài nà cí hā gēn de dà bù fèn shōu cáng, hái shì zhēn shí kě xìn de. chǔ lǐ cǐ rén shōu cáng de kùn nán zhī chǔ zài yú, rú hé qǔ qí jīng huá, qù qí zāo pò, bì miǎn zhēn wěi bù biàn, diū qì zhēn běn.