
歌曲 生物无巨细32
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC生命博物馆


Oh, interesting smell. Yes, there's a good aroma in here. Martin Hall is a forensic entomologist. He studies flies and maggots found on dead bodies to help determine the victim's time of death. As an expert witness, he's testified in some of Britain's biggest murder cases. There's no escaping the fact that, you know, what you're saying, what you're reporting on, could implicate that person in the crime. Clearly there's a lot of responsibility there but it's the responsibility to yourself and your science really, the responsibility of deciding the guilt or otherwise if the person in the dock is not yours. Martin also has a warning for me. Any claim that cannot be substantiated can be taken apart by a good cross-examining lawyer.
气味真独特。 是的,这里很芬芳呀。 马丁·霍尔是位法医昆虫学家,他研究死尸上发现的苍蝇和蛆,帮助鉴别被害人死亡时间。作为一个专家证人,他曾为英国许多重大谋杀案作证。 毫无疑问,你所说的话,你所上报的内容,会影响到嫌疑人所受的判决。很明显,这个工作担负很多责任,要对自己的科学研究负责。而被告是否有罪,并不能由你决定。 马丁警告我,证词如果站不住脚,一定会在盘问中被对方律师推翻。


Oh, interesting smell. Yes, there' s a good aroma in here. Martin Hall is a forensic entomologist. He studies flies and maggots found on dead bodies to help determine the victim' s time of death. As an expert witness, he' s testified in some of Britain' s biggest murder cases. There' s no escaping the fact that, you know, what you' re saying, what you' re reporting on, could implicate that person in the crime. Clearly there' s a lot of responsibility there but it' s the responsibility to yourself and your science really, the responsibility of deciding the guilt or otherwise if the person in the dock is not yours. Martin also has a warning for me. Any claim that cannot be substantiated can be taken apart by a good crossexamining lawyer.
qì wèi zhēn dú tè. shì de, zhè lǐ hěn fēn fāng ya. mǎ dīng huò ěr shì wèi fǎ yī kūn chóng xué jiā, tā yán jiū sǐ shī shàng fā xiàn de cāng yíng hé qū, bāng zhù jiàn bié bèi hài rén sǐ wáng shí jiān. zuò wéi yí gè zhuān jiā zhèng rén, tā céng wèi yīng guó xǔ duō chóng dà móu shā àn zuò zhèng. háo wú yí wèn, nǐ suǒ shuō de huà, nǐ suǒ shàng bào de nèi róng, huì yǐng xiǎng dào xián yí rén suǒ shòu de pàn jué. hěn míng xiǎn, zhè gè gōng zuò dān fù hěn duō zé rèn, yào duì zì jǐ de kē xué yán jiū fù zé. ér bèi gào shì fǒu yǒu zuì, bìng bù néng yóu nǐ jué dìng. mǎ dīng jǐng gào wǒ, zhèng cí rú guǒ zhàn bu zhù jiǎo, yí dìng huì zài pán wèn zhōng bèi duì fāng lǜ shī tuī fān.