
歌曲 生物无巨细42
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC生命博物馆


And I thought I was onto a winner. Everyone just said this, look after that, it's worth a few quid, that one. It's a prize species. The British sturgeon is a royal fish and anyone who catches one has to offer it to the Queen first. But when Robert received this fax from Buckingham Palace, saying that he can do as he sees fit, he, like everyone else, assumed that he was then free to sell his prize catch. Robert had hit the jackpot and Stanley was destined for one of the premier fish markets in the country. So, one o'clock the next morning, Robert and his new friend Stanley set off for Plymouth fish market. The unusual fish attracted a top price of £650. And Robert was obviously looking forward to getting the money. But an eagle-eyed employee at the Plymouth Aquarium next door suddenly realised that the British sturgeon is an endangered species and it's protected by law, and that means that trying to sell one is illegal.
我觉得我中头彩了,大家都这么说,可把它养好,它可值钱了。绝对是珍惜物种,英国鲟鱼是皇家鱼种,不论是谁捉到都要先献给女皇,而当罗伯特收到从白金汉宫来的传真。上面写着他可以随意处理时,他和其他人一样,都以为这是他可以随意出售的战利品。 罗伯特中得头彩,而斯坦利注定要在国内的某处高档鱼市中交易。所以,次日一点钟时,罗伯特和他的新伙伴斯坦利,启程前往普利茅斯的鱼市。 这条稀有的鱼引来了高达650英镑的出价,罗伯特显然很期待收获这笔钱,但是旁边的普利茅斯水族馆中,一位眼光锐利的职员突然意识到英国鲟鱼是濒危物种,并受法律保护,也就是说出售它是非法的。


And I thought I was onto a winner. Everyone just said this, look after that, it' s worth a few quid, that one. It' s a prize species. The British sturgeon is a royal fish and anyone who catches one has to offer it to the Queen first. But when Robert received this fax from Buckingham Palace, saying that he can do as he sees fit, he, like everyone else, assumed that he was then free to sell his prize catch. Robert had hit the jackpot and Stanley was destined for one of the premier fish markets in the country. So, one o' clock the next morning, Robert and his new friend Stanley set off for Plymouth fish market. The unusual fish attracted a top price of 650. And Robert was obviously looking forward to getting the money. But an eagleeyed employee at the Plymouth Aquarium next door suddenly realised that the British sturgeon is an endangered species and it' s protected by law, and that means that trying to sell one is illegal.
wǒ jué de wǒ zhōng tóu cǎi le, dà jiā dōu zhè me shuō, kě bǎ tā yǎng hǎo, tā kě zhí qián le. jué duì shì zhēn xī wù zhǒng, yīng guó xún yú shì huáng jiā yú zhǒng, bù lùn shì shuí zhuō dào dōu yào xiān xiàn gěi nǚ huáng, ér dāng luó bó tè shōu dào cóng bái jīn hàn gōng lái de chuán zhēn. shàng miàn xiě zhe tā kě yǐ suí yì chǔ lǐ shí, tā hé qí tā rén yí yàng, dōu yǐ wéi zhè shì tā kě yǐ suí yì chū shòu de zhàn lì pǐn. luó bó tè zhōng de tóu cǎi, ér sī tǎn lì zhù dìng yào zài guó nèi de mǒu chù gāo dàng yú shì zhōng jiāo yì. suǒ yǐ, cì rì yì diǎn zhōng shí, luó bó tè hé tā de xīn huǒ bàn sī tǎn lì, qǐ chéng qián wǎng pǔ lì máo sī de yú shì. zhè tiáo xī yǒu de yú yǐn lái le gāo dá 650 yīng bàng de chū jià, luó bó tè xiǎn rán hěn qī dài shōu huò zhè bǐ qián, dàn shì páng biān de pǔ lì máo sī shuǐ zú guǎn zhōng, yī wèi yǎn guāng ruì lì de zhí yuán tū rán yì shí dào yīng guó xún yú shì bīn wēi wù zhǒng, bìng shòu fǎ lǜ bǎo hù, yě jiù shì shuō chū shòu tā shì fēi fǎ de.