
歌曲 生物无巨细44
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC生命博物馆


But the mystery remained, where was the fish? 20 miles up the coast in the Cornish town of Looe, fish merchant Tim Alsop, the man who had bought Stanley, was making room in his freezer. A van reversed up to my door there and we got it. It was a massive thing. Were you wearing balaclavas? No, no. Not quite that, but I remember a couple of holidaymakers coming past and they'd seen us. And there's a little guy said, "Dad, look at that fish." And when we dragged it in quite quickly because we genuinely thought the heat was on then. It was hot property. Yeah, absolutely. Tim harboured the fugitive fish for two days, but with the net tightening, it wasn't long before the game was up. I remember one national newspaper saying that the police were closing in on Mr Alsop and his sturgeon, so I said I was going to donate it to the Natural History Museum. Well, whilst Stanley the sturgeon was on his way to London and the Natural History Museum, Robert potentially was on his way to jail.
可是,那条鱼去哪了呢? 距离海岸20公里的卢港的康沃尔镇上,鱼商蒂姆·奥索普,那位买下斯坦利的人正在冷冻室内腾地方。 货车驶回我家 就把它载了过来,这可是个大家伙, 您当时戴着巴拉克拉法帽吗? 不,不,不是那样,但是我记得有两个度假者走过,他们看到了我们。小家伙说,爸,快看那条鱼。我们赶快把它拉进来,因为觉得快要引起围观了。是个炙手可热的宝贝 -绝对是。 蒂姆将这条漏网之鱼收留了两天,然而法网恢恢,很快就暴露了。 我记得一家全国性的报纸报道,警方包围了奥索普先生和他的鲟鱼。我就说,我打算把它捐给自然历史博物馆。鲟鱼斯坦利被运往伦敦的自然历史博物馆,罗伯特则可能会被押送到监狱。


But the mystery remained, where was the fish? 20 miles up the coast in the Cornish town of Looe, fish merchant Tim Alsop, the man who had bought Stanley, was making room in his freezer. A van reversed up to my door there and we got it. It was a massive thing. Were you wearing balaclavas? No, no. Not quite that, but I remember a couple of holidaymakers coming past and they' d seen us. And there' s a little guy said, " Dad, look at that fish." And when we dragged it in quite quickly because we genuinely thought the heat was on then. It was hot property. Yeah, absolutely. Tim harboured the fugitive fish for two days, but with the net tightening, it wasn' t long before the game was up. I remember one national newspaper saying that the police were closing in on Mr Alsop and his sturgeon, so I said I was going to donate it to the Natural History Museum. Well, whilst Stanley the sturgeon was on his way to London and the Natural History Museum, Robert potentially was on his way to jail.
kě shì, nà tiáo yú qù nǎ le ne? jù lí hǎi àn 20 gōng lǐ dì lú gǎng de kāng wò ěr zhèn shàng, yú shāng dì mǔ ào suǒ pǔ, nà wèi mǎi xià sī tǎn lì de rén zhèng zài lěng dòng shì nèi téng dì fāng. huò chē shǐ huí wǒ jiā jiù bǎ tā zài le guò lái, zhè kě shì gè dà jiā huo, nín dāng shí dài zhe bā lā kè lā fǎ mào ma? bù, bù, bú shì nà yàng, dàn shì wǒ jì de yǒu liǎng gè dù jià zhě zǒu guò, tā men kàn dào le wǒ men. xiǎo jiā huo shuō, bà, kuài kàn nà tiáo yú. wǒ men gǎn kuài bǎ tā lā jìn lái, yīn wèi jué de kuài yào yǐn qǐ wéi guān le. shì gè zhì shǒu kě rè de bǎo bèi jué duì shì. dì mǔ jiāng zhè tiáo lòu wǎng zhī yú shōu liú le liǎng tiān, rán ér fǎ wǎng huī huī, hěn kuài jiù bào lù le. wǒ jì de yī jiā quán guó xìng de bào zhǐ bào dào, jǐng fāng bāo wéi le ào suǒ pǔ xiān shēng hé tā de xún yú. wǒ jiù shuō, wǒ dǎ suàn bǎ tā juān gěi zì rán lì shǐ bó wù guǎn. xún yú sī tǎn lì bèi yùn wǎng lún dūn de zì rán lì shǐ bó wù guǎn, luó bó tè zé kě néng huì bèi yā sòng dào jiān yù.