
歌曲 生物无巨细46
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC生命博物馆


And this revelation also has implications for Robert, the man who caught Stanley. As the American sturgeon is not protected in British waters, Robert has committed no crime and is off the hook. Many unanswered questions remain about Stanley. And while Ollie's looking forward to studying him further, he's mindful that, for Robert, who never received his money, Stanley is the one that got away. To have caught such a big fish and made no profit out of it was initially a disappointment, but he was glad that it was going to come into the museum for science to answer all the questions that it raised and take its place alongside Darwin's and Cook's fishes and be available for study hereafter.


And this revelation also has implications for Robert, the man who caught Stanley. As the American sturgeon is not protected in British waters, Robert has committed no crime and is off the hook. Many unanswered questions remain about Stanley. And while Ollie' s looking forward to studying him further, he' s mindful that, for Robert, who never received his money, Stanley is the one that got away. To have caught such a big fish and made no profit out of it was initially a disappointment, but he was glad that it was going to come into the museum for science to answer all the questions that it raised and take its place alongside Darwin' s and Cook' s fishes and be available for study hereafter.
ér zhè gè jié guǒ yě yǐng xiǎng le luó bó tè, nà wèi bǔ zhuō sī tǎn lì de yú fū. měi guó xún yú zài yīng guó shuǐ yù bù shòu fǎ lǜ bǎo hù, suǒ yǐ luó bó tè méi yǒu fàn zuì, cóng ér bǎi tuō le kùn jìng. sī tǎn lì shēn shàng hái yǒu xǔ duō wèi jiě zhī mí, ōu lì zhèng zhǔn bèi jìn yī bù yán jiū tā. tū rán xiǎng qǐ, luó bó tè mò shōu dào qián, sī tǎn lì cóng tā shǒu shàng liū zǒu le. zhuā dào zhè me dà yī tiáo yú, què méi zuàn de hǎo chù, dí què tǐng ràng rén shī wàng, dàn shì tā hěn gāo xìng, tā yào bèi sòng jìn bó wù guǎn, yǐ jìn xíng kē xué yán jiū lái pò jiě tā shēn shàng zhī mí, néng zài dá ěr wén hé kù kè fā xiàn de yú zhǒng lèi páng liú míng, bìng gōng hòu rén yán jiū.