
歌曲 生物无巨细9
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC生命博物馆


So he's got a very large liver and big spleen as well, both of which are consistent with schistosomiasis. He's also got lots of little lymph nodes, the glands in his neck are swollen, and he's got this big swollen tummy, very, very little fat on him, very little fat. Poor little fellow. We hope that by treating the schistosomiasis. We'll be able to relieve some of Awal's suffering quickly. I doubt do you want to come and get some pills? Come on. Up we go, up we go. All across Africa, there are millions of other children just like Awal. He's a sobering example of the importance of Russell's work. In one sense, I was lucky that we found him and we've treated him but he's probably already suffered a certain amount of damage to his overall development and perhaps to his liver. And that thing that Russell's trying to do here, that's so important is we're being to stuck treating kids like Awal much much younger, so before they reach the age of five and that will make a massive difference, too. Thank you, thank you, thank you. How do you say thank you in Uganda? Weebale. Weebale. Weebale.
他的肝脏和脾脏都很大,这都和吸血虫病相吻合。他也长了很多小淋巴结,颈部腺体肿大。 他的肚子也胀大了,身上脂肪很少。 可怜的小家伙。 我们希望通过治疗血吸虫病,尽快减轻阿瓦尔的痛苦。 你想来拿些药片吗? 来吧,起来,起来吧。 在整个非洲,阿瓦尔这样的儿童还有几百万个。他的事例充分证明了拉塞尔工作的重要性。一方面,我们很幸运发现并治疗了他。但他的全面发育以及肝脏可能已经受到了一定损害。拉塞尔即将要展开的计划将对此地影响巨大,对阿瓦尔这样的患儿进行低龄治疗。在他们5岁之前,身体状况将会与现在完全不同。 谢谢 谢谢 谢谢 在乌干达谢谢怎么说? -谢谢 -谢谢 谢谢


So he' s got a very large liver and big spleen as well, both of which are consistent with schistosomiasis. He' s also got lots of little lymph nodes, the glands in his neck are swollen, and he' s got this big swollen tummy, very, very little fat on him, very little fat. Poor little fellow. We hope that by treating the schistosomiasis. We' ll be able to relieve some of Awal' s suffering quickly. I doubt do you want to come and get some pills? Come on. Up we go, up we go. All across Africa, there are millions of other children just like Awal. He' s a sobering example of the importance of Russell' s work. In one sense, I was lucky that we found him and we' ve treated him but he' s probably already suffered a certain amount of damage to his overall development and perhaps to his liver. And that thing that Russell' s trying to do here, that' s so important is we' re being to stuck treating kids like Awal much much younger, so before they reach the age of five and that will make a massive difference, too. Thank you, thank you, thank you. How do you say thank you in Uganda? Weebale. Weebale. Weebale.
tā de gān zàng hé pí zāng dōu hěn dà, zhè dōu hé xī xiě chóng bìng xiāng wěn hé. tā yě zhǎng le hěn duō xiǎo lín bā jié, jǐng bù xiàn tǐ zhǒng dà. tā de dǔ zi yě zhàng dà le, shēn shàng zhī fáng hěn shǎo. kě lián de xiǎo jiā huo. wǒ men xī wàng tōng guò zhì liáo xuè xī chóng bìng, jǐn kuài jiǎn qīng ā wǎ ěr de tòng kǔ. nǐ xiǎng lái ná xiē yào piàn ma? lái ba, qǐ lái, qǐ lái ba. zài zhěng gè fēi zhōu, ā wǎ ěr zhè yàng de ér tóng hái yǒu jǐ bǎi wàn gè. tā de shì lì chōng fèn zhèng míng liǎo lā sāi ěr gōng zuò de zhòng yào xìng. yī fāng miàn, wǒ men hěn xìng yùn fā xiàn bìng zhì liáo le tā. dàn tā de quán miàn fā yù yǐ jí gān zàng kě néng yǐ jīng shòu dào le yí dìng sǔn hài. lā sāi ěr jí jiāng yào zhǎn kāi de jì huà jiāng duì cǐ dì yǐng xiǎng jù dà, duì ā wǎ ěr zhè yàng de huàn ér jìn xíng dī líng zhì liáo. zài tā men 5 suì zhī qián, shēn tǐ zhuàng kuàng jiāng huì yǔ xiàn zài wán quán bù tóng. xiè xiè xiè xiè xiè xiè zài wū gān dá xiè xiè zěn me shuō? xiè xiè xiè xiè xiè xiè