富饶丛林 12

歌曲 富饶丛林 12
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC地球脉动


Feet, so vital for gliding, are now put to other uses. Two's company, three's inconvenient but in any case, all male frogs are equipped with dry thumbs which enable them to get a vice like grip on their moist partners. It's a case of first come first served. Living in such a humid environment, means jungle frogs are less tied to puddles and pools and these even lay their eggs out of water. There's little chance of them drying out and up here they're safer from predators. Surprisingly, it doesn't rain every day in the rainforest but more still falls here than anywhere else on Earth. On average, over two metres a year. A single tree can suck up hundreds of tons of water each year. But the trees can't use all this water, so much of it returns to the air as vapour, forming mist and clouds.


Feet, so vital for gliding, are now put to other uses. Two' s company, three' s inconvenient but in any case, all male frogs are equipped with dry thumbs which enable them to get a vice like grip on their moist partners. It' s a case of first come first served. Living in such a humid environment, means jungle frogs are less tied to puddles and pools and these even lay their eggs out of water. There' s little chance of them drying out and up here they' re safer from predators. Surprisingly, it doesn' t rain every day in the rainforest but more still falls here than anywhere else on Earth. On average, over two metres a year. A single tree can suck up hundreds of tons of water each year. But the trees can' t use all this water, so much of it returns to the air as vapour, forming mist and clouds.
jiǎo xiàn zài bèi pài zuò le bié de yòng chǎng. shuāng rén chéng bàn, sān ge jiù yǐn qǐ le má fán. dàn shì suǒ yǒu de xióng wā dōu cháng yǒu yǒu lì de qián zhǎo, zhè shǐ tā men néng gòu jǐn jǐn zhuā láo tā men shī lù lù de bàn lǚ. zhè lǐ de guī zé shì xiān dào zhě xiān jiāo pèi. jū zhù zài zhè yàng cháo shī de huán jìng zhòng yì wèi zhe cóng lín zhōng de qīng wā duì shuǐ kēng hé chí táng de yī lài xìng jiǎn shǎo. zhèi xiē wā shèn zhì bù bǎ luǎn chǎn zài shuǐ zhōng. wā luǎn bèi gàn sǐ de kě néng xìng hěn xiǎo, ér qiě bèi bǔ shí de kě néng xìng yě jiào xiǎo. lìng rén jīng qí de shì yǔ lín lǐ bú shì měi tiān dū xià yǔ, dàn shì zhè lǐ de jiàng yǔ liàng réng rán bǐ dì qiú shàng rèn hé qí tā dì fāng dōu duō, píng jūn yī nián yǒu liǎng mǐ duō. yī kē shù měi nián kě yǐ xī shōu jǐ bǎi dūn shuǐ, dàn shì shù mù běn shēn yòng bù liǎo zhè me duō shuǐ, dà bù fèn de shuǐ fèn bèi zhēng fā dào le kōng qì zhōng, chéng wéi wù ǎi hé yún.